Sunday, July 24, 2016

When you can go for a walk with the baby?

When you can go for a walk with the baby(Organic cotton baby clothes)?

This is the question I have received lately more: When can go for a walk with the baby?

I do not know if I seem very chipmunks already traveling with baby, giving a walk in the courtyard of my building and occasionally carrying the little boy to the pharmacy, for you ask me this, but I always go out with the utmost care. The prudent response would be from vaccines of the second month.

When Theo was born, he spent nearly two months holed up in the room with the heater on and leave very few times with him at most to the pediatrician. With Max was very different, as having an older son who demand attention and rsrs strategic tours, you just need to go out and walk with them but in less tumultuous places, with very few people, as in the courtyard of the building, pharmacy, and if you needed to go in a place with more people (as we were at the airport) package the boy to expose as little as possible(Gender neutral baby clothing).

The truth is that the baby is very vulnerable with no vaccine , any single doençazinha as a cold or a virus can be fatal to this little being, and to find someone sick just around the corner or even enter the elevator of your building. Therefore take your small only where it is really needed, as the pediatrician and Grandma's house.

Of course, after the mother feel better after childbirth have to leave behind some things, like at best go to a pharmacy, a supermarket, a fair, but for those who do not aid as the mother of a neighbor , sister or babysitter, someone to leave the baby is like? Or does not leave home or go out and carry the baby. But always remember to protect the small to the fullest and leave with a bag full of everything you might need while away with little.

It is best to think about it if you really need to go out and take the little together, because imagine if he takes any disease? How will you contain so blame (oh, guilt, the largest partner of all mothers ...) ? Even after the vaccine two months, you need to find out if there is a disease outbreak in the region, such as chicken pox, viruses, etc.(baby clothes online)

The pride of the parents when a child is born is so great that want to go out to "show" their little the world. And what is the first stop ??? SHOPPING !!! Shopping can? After two months, power, might. But always be aware of any wave of disease that are in places with large flow of people. Oh, and do not abuse the time: it's a quick walk.

But always remember that before leaving with the baby, try to put yourself in his place. Imagine yourself inside a womb, warm and quiet, then inside your home, where the largest volume is the television, then you take the baby to a restaurant for example, with the sound of many people talking, (baby gifts)cutlery falling, waiters making the request, loud music ... This will generate a lot of stress and the baby will start crying nonstop !!!!

Any noise like a car passing on the street can scare a lot, a very strong sun can disturb, heat or cold also leave angry child, you need to assess the whole situation before leaving home with the child. You can not take a child right out of your room and lead by example in Sunday Mass, we must go one day with empty church, attend less noisy places for ouvidinho get used to the noise, because in addition to a stressed child, you will have a insessante crying show too.

To sum it all, the word is PRUDENCIA . Always ask yourself: Is it wise to leave with (baby clothes)the baby to this place? You have to go out with him? Acting with prudence is much easier to decide.

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