Monday, July 18, 2016

Pipes in Ear

Ear tube(Ohrenkorrektur)

The ear tubes are tiny cylinders placed in the drum of the ear (the tympanic membrane) to allow air into the middle ear.

There are two basic types: short and long term.

Short-term tubes are smaller and typically stay for six months to a year before they fall out on their own.
The long-term tubes are larger and are shaped so that secure in place for longer. Long-term tubes may fall on their own, but removal by an otolaryngologist may be necessary.
In children always put their short-term tubes, which usually come only after six to twelve months. When to go is unpredictable. Can one ear out after six months and the other after ten months.

Who need hoses ear and why;
Grommets ear usually placed when a patient suffers from  recurrent infections of the middle ear (many episodes of acute otitis media) or hearing loss caused by the persistent presence of fluid in the ear (otitis media with effusion - glue ear).
the accumulation of fluid in the ear due to the occlusion of the tube connecting the ear to the back of the nose (eustachian tube). The obstruction caused by many ear infections, allergies or large adenoids (adenoids).
This usually occurs in children aged 2 to 5 years, but can also occur in adolescents and adults and can lead to speech and balance problems in hearing loss or to changes in the ear drum structure.
Other less common conditions that may warrant the placement of ear tubes are malformation drum or eustachian tube, Down syndrome, cleft palate - cleft palate, and barotrauma (damage to middle ear caused by the reduction in air pressure, usually seen with altitude changes, such as flight and diving).
Every year, more than 500,000 surgical procedures for placement tubules ear made ​​in children in the United States, making it the most common surgical surgery of childhood made ​​with anesthesia. When there exists another attendant condition then the positioning of the cannula in the ear is done with sedation and not sedation. The usual age for entering cannula ear are two to five years of life of the child

What is the benefit for my child;
By placing tubes in the ear can:
• Reduce the risk of future infection in the ear
• To restore immediately the hearing loss caused by fluid in the middle ear.
• To improve speech problems and balance problems
• improve behavior problems caused by chronic ear infections.

How placed tubes in the ear;
ear tube2 The ear tubes (tubes) are inserted into the ear through a surgical procedure called a myringotomy (tiny hole in the drum). There is a small hole in the drum with the aid of a surgical microscope with a small knife, but can also be achieved by laser.

The tube is placed in the hole created in order to keep it open and allow air to reach the middle ear space (ventilation). The maneuvers are to be especially careful, because the space is small and structures are very sensitive.

What happens during the surgery;
in children given general anesthesia (asleep) when there is another pathology or simply drunk when they need to only the pipes installed. Adults can make the procedure without anesthesia.

Becomes the myringotomy (hole) and the liquid behind the eardrum (the middle ear space) sucked out. The tube is then placed in the hole. The procedure usually takes less than 10 minutes and patients awaken quickly(Ohrenoperation).
The operation does not cause any pain to the child. Also not given any antibiotics only locally ear drops.
Sometimes the otolaryngologist will recommend the same time and the tissues of the adenoids, the adenoids is. Research shows that removing the adenoids - adenoids with the simultaneous placement of ventilation tubes can reduce the risk of recurrent ear infections and the need for repeat surgery.

What happens after surgery;
After surgery the small child, the patient is monitored in the recovery room for a short time 30 minutes in the presence of his parents and go home within an hour or two if there are no complications. Patients do not feel no post-operative pain, but dizziness, irritability, nausea from anesthesia may temporarily occur.
The hearing loss is caused by the presence of fluid in the ear completely restored immediately after the surgery. That kid coming out of surgery hears normally and parents realize that their arrival in the house.
After a few days of surgery should be an audiogram, to ensure that the hearing has been improved by the surgery and one once a month to examine the ENT child to see the presence of the tube in the ear.

Ear protection after surgery.
To avoid the possibility of contamination by bacteria entering the middle ear through the ventilation tube, the doctor may recommend ear protection using earplugs during bathing, and water activities. However, recent research suggests that the protection of the ear may not be necessary. Parents should consult the ENT about ear protection after surgery.

Possible complications after surgery
The introduction of the cannula vent ear is an extremely common and safe procedure with minimal complications. When complications occur, they may include:

• Perforation - This can occur when the tube out and the hole in the tympanic membrane (ear drum) is not closed. The hole can be patched and closed, without any particular problems.

• Scarring - Any irritation of the ear drum (recurrent ear infections, ear infections), can cause scarring called tympanosclerosis plates. This causes no trouble in hearing.

• Contamination - Infections may also occur in the middle ear or around the ear tube. However, these infections are rare and it is easy to deal with antibiotic ear drops. Sometimes an antibiotic by mouth may be necessary.

Recurrence - If the pipe out very quickly fluid may return and require repeated surgery.

• cannula Stay for a long time - If the tube stand for a long time (over a year) may be required to remove from the audiologist.

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