Sunday, July 17, 2016


The rhinos in prehistoric times and even lived in Europe, which is illustrated in surviving cave paintings. But today, very few rhinos survive outside of national parks and sanctuaries in Africa and Asia.

Life rhinoceros

The rhino is herbivorous animal that relies mainly on highly developed sense of smell and hearing. Instead, it has poor eyesight and struggles to stand out from afar if an animal is a threat or not for him. So you can attack preventative, giving the impression blooded animal. Fortunately for their enemies, struggling to make targeted attacks.

Although the skin is thick rhinos are sensitive to hot sun and in insect bites. For this smear their bodies with mud, which acts as sunscreen and insect repellent. Also to cool, rhinos tend to splash in puddles and sandy riverbeds.(sng tê giác)

Despite their great weight exceeding 1000 kg in the case of black rhino and can reach the 4 tonnes for white rhino is rapidly animals. Can exceed 50 kilometers per hour when attacking, running that is faster than the world champion 100 meters!

His life threatened

There are five species of rhinos in Africa and Asia. Some of them are already on the brink of extinction, such as the Asian rhino Javan fighting for survival, as only 50 people left. Fortunately, some other species are effectively protected and their populations have rebounded: in South Africa, the white rhino who had reached the brink of extinction in the early 20th century, today more than 20,000 people. The black rhino also has doubled its population in the past two decades, reaching about 5,000 people today. Nevertheless, the population remains small compared to the 100,000 who lived in the beginning of the century.

The biggest threat today for the rhino from the illicit trade and huge demand from countries like Vietnam for its horn. The price on the black market reaches the $ 65,000 per kilo is higher that the price of gold. Demand is fueled by superstition that the horn want to be an effective remedy even cancer ... ignore course that consists of keratin, the same substance that hair is made and human fingernails.

To exploit the illegal profit, new extensive criminal networks have spread and act within the protected areas of Africa. They use advanced technological equipment, such as radar, to track rhinos, kill them and remove their own horn. Within 48 hours they manage to carry it from the crime scene in Africa, the black market of Vietnam.

The life that we protect

In October 2011, we conducted a risky enterprise in order to create a new population of black rhinos to a safer environment. Nineteen black rhinos were transported by helicopter, spending less than 10 minutes in the air. The sedated animals awoke straight into a new home that will give them better prospects to reproduce and increase in number.

We also use the latest technology to be able to detect the DNA of the horn from rhinos that have been killed. So later they can verify their origin and be used as evidence in court, to dismantle the criminal networks.(sng tê giác)

In almost all protected areas where rhinos live, live and other valuable plants and animals. Therefore the protection of rhinoceros contributes to the survival of many other species. Rhinos also attract tourists from around the world who come to admire them in their natural environment. Thus creating jobs and economic development opportunities for local communities.

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