Monday, July 11, 2016

This is the future for the treatment of pain in hospital

Medical hypnosis is a little-known practice in France, but that is growing increasingly. It is particularly effective in the treatment of pain, before or after surgery. Bruno Saint-Maxent, nurse anesthetist is the only practicing this new technique at the hospital of Armentières. - A + The anesthesia department of HCA for 21 years, Bruno Saint-Maxent was the first to practice hypnosis in hospitals in Flanders Métropole (Armentières, Hazebrouck and Bailleul).(hypnose augsburg)

Today, it is the only one using this technique. "I came to hypnosis because I've realized that there were other possibilities to handle the pain. In France, the technique has been recognized since 2004 by a university degree from the faculties in Paris, Strasbourg and Rennes. I was trained in Strasbourg by Patrick Bellet, MD, President of France hypnotherapists who, for example, supported the trauma of victims of Vaison-la-Romaine. " But let us agree at the outset: that hypnosis practice Bruno Saint-Maxent is not the one we see on TV where people fall asleep by a finger snap. Therapeutic hypnosis is used to support patients' pain before and after an operation, but also during. No clock, no before the eyes oscillating finger (although these techniques exist), Bruno Saint-Maxent uses only the sound of his voice.(hypnose)
"The principle is to compress the critical phase to increase the phase of happiness. I layer the rhythm of my voice on the patient's breathing. Then I asked him to think of something like that, I create an analgesic situation. In the operating room, silence falls and the patient senses a positive image which I asked him to fix. When I see that he is ready, I turn his attention to other sensations. So I do not use drugs, no addictive and it is not a truth serum. " In 2009, 133 people were hypnotized by Bruno Saint-Maxent, a hundred this year. (Hypnose Gewichtsreduktion)
Everyone can benefit, even children, but not those with Alzheimer's disease, deaf and foreign evil speaking French. The hypnotist also involved in other cases, "the CHA, I take care of acute and chronic pain. Before an operation, for people who arrive very stressed before, or just before, but also for people who have a chronic disease, anxiety or depressive. It is also used for smoking cessation, obesity, anorexia. Hypnosis will not replace medication, but may reduce the dose. It is found that patients cared no longer use the morphine pump. " (klinische HypnoseThe results speak for themselves ... And if the practice becomes more democratic, it is still "looked from the corner of the eye in the hospital" according armentiérois hypnotist who adds, however: "It's become. We talk about it at all levels. It is also sustainable development, there is no medicine, no gas to sleep. But we must train more health professionals to hypnosis. We are not enough to meet the demands of patients. "??

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