Monday, July 25, 2016

Importance of packaging and export packaging

Importance of packaging and export packaging(Moving company)

Until recently, the packaging was unimportant from the perspective of selling a product. Its true potential was considered only by companies that had advice from outside.

Importance of packaging and export packaging

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Today, there is much talk of packaging as a coordinated system whereby products produced or harvested are accommodated within a set packaging for shipment from the production site to the site of consumption without suffering any damage. The aim is to achieve a permanent commercial link between a product and a consumer, which should be beneficial for both. We can notice three obvious points between which the whole issue of trade in fruits, vegetables and products generally arises: Production(Chicago moving company), distribution and marketing the purpose of the packaging system is to facilitate the collection, packing and sorting goods for shipment, protecting them from physical and environmental risks during storage and transportation. His last function is to motivate the consumer to purchase guaranteeing that it is in the same quality that had at the time of collection or workmanship. The functions of packaging are many and are divided into two: structural and modern.

Which have to do with the physical part of the product is called structural: • Contain. The packaging should have a specific capacity for the product is well distributed • Compatibility . The packaging must be compatible with the product to prevent flavors or microorganisms contaminating the product are transmitted • Hold . The packaging must retain all product attributes • Practical . The packaging must be able to arm themselves, filled and closed easily • Be comfortable for handling by the trader and the carrier. For the conservation of some products perishable or delicate type, take into account additional features when packing them : Separate, isolate, cushion, fix, seal, among others. the modern functions are related rather with intrinsic aspects of the product, ie(Movers), presentation and exhibition.

This means that the product should be able to sell itself. Types of products can be commercial, institutional and industrial, this classification is important because each product has its set of packaging and these have different characteristics. The trade are presented in several units as the market that are targeted. In institutional, to have a specific market and sometimes captive, functions are more restrictive. They focus more on product identification and packing the amount consumed on each purchase. The complement of these 2 is an industrial or packaging. The emphasis is that is manageable and that its content is perfectly identified. Packing System: Hidden Costs Good packaging emphasizes product features, attributes and states shows the difference between competing products on the market. All these benefits come at a cost, so that the packaging meets the corresponding functions and contribute positively to their marketing. In designing the manufacture of a product, packaging is part of the tools necessary for production.

(Moving truck)That is, it must be planned in advance, for example, the cost of inventories. Each package has its production scale that the less costly it can keep inventory costs low. The cost of packaging, labor to assemble, fill and seal packaging must also be included. The package protects the product when stored in warehouses. The cost varies according to store maximum utilization of space which is directly connected to the distribution of the product inside the packaging. In distribution, the volume and weight play an important role in cost. Distribute a product often has invisible costs as they generally have to travel long distances. The cost of a system packing of goods, is not a simple figure (labor to assemble and close the packaging, storage both vacuum packaging as full highlight more the appearance for sale, the service provided by the supplier of packaging ...) is an entire business strategy to be administered and controlled in the same way as planning the production of the products is directed.

Materials for packaging and packaging Daily improvement processes are developed in materials for packaging product. lighter, less expensive, more resistant to different temperatures, less porous, to meet customer needs, and ensure the quality of products is you must know what kind of protection required and how to protect against various eventualities during international transit. You need to master the types of packaging materials and properly packaged (wood, metal, cardboard, plastic, paper and glass), always considering their advantages and disadvantages (Movers Chicago)(costs, handling, volume, fragility, corrosion, disposal, reuse, recyclable, sensitivity to sunlight, humidity, light, pests, etc.). the transport, an important factor in the globalization of markets transportation plays an important role and any company that wants to develop new markets, depends on a reliable supply and channels suitable distribution. It is useful to know the range of services provided by transport companies to achieve stow and secure the load properly and avoid any damage.

A proper packaging and packaging for export must take into account the following points: mechanical stresses, climatic stresses, biological tensions and chemical stress. the packaging must protect the load, allow to be stacked, allowing can lift, move and secure, provide information on the load and maneuverability. the container itself is a means of transport. To streamline the loading space in double stack, if you have an adequate and strong packaging, cargo can travel by air, land and sea reaching its destination in the same condition it was shipped from origin regardless of the weather. Mixed loads(Long distance movers Chicago), items of different composition and size, should be sorted from lowest to highest weight, the heaviest in the first level and stowing light or fragile.

The packaging should withstand weather changes and transshipment throughout the transport process. Tips for easy packaging the use of suitable packaging will be crucial to the success of their business. The main rule to follow is: the packaging must be appropriate to the nature of the product. • Set the type of container used. It is essential to establish the sealing of this, especially in cardboard packaging where the thickness and flautado are determined based on the weight to be supported, testing freefall and stevedoring. • Pack each item separately.

Fragile as separate as possible from each other, from the corners and sides of the box, to reduce the likelihood of damage. • Use enough cushioning material and ensure that the contents do not move. A variety of materials used to immobilize, cushion and protect: shrinkable plastic film, plastic bubble, molded foam, corrugated board, etc. • Close. For the carton use strong tape which fulfill two essential functions(Affordable moving company): perfectly close the box and prevent it violated the content. It is essential to have perfect adhesion and meets the optimum tear. It takes place the appropriate tape width is determined by the size of the box.

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