Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Weddings, baptisms and communions

Weddings, baptisms and communions(wedding dj)

On Saturday I went to a wedding. More than a wedding was WEDDING . Bodísima wedding. And it's those few that one would do illusion, you know, absolute closeness to the couple, close friend of the convicted person , witness, read at the ceremony, dances godmother, etc, etc. Me weddings half and half, in fact at the ceremony ground make a Hannover and hide in a bar and then go directly to treat. Witness is more complicated, but good. The thing is that among beers at the bar, good manners cocktails anteroom and my big  fondness for red wine, come the dances and I'm more comfortable than Pepito Pools in Torremolinos.

Then comes the wedding DJ. The wedding DJ is usually a mercenary type and amargadete whose mission in this world is to destroy the peace of guys like me. Because if the title of this blog is " A Thousand Ways to Kill the DJ" change you the verb "Kill" by "Torturing cruel, slow and meticulous way" and "DJ" by "DJ Wedding" and will come out to my feelings. Saturday was entertaining and, honestly, I did not pay much attention to click, but the truth is that the friend had no idea or music, or the measure of time, or as much fun. He came, prodded, took and left. And it is that an uncle of those who merely put Bisbal after Rafaella Carra charges almost a salary per night(disc jockey wedding), which is a shame and a scam that can perpetrate advantage of the situation of emotional instability of marriageable poor.

Now they are you thinking clearly at a wedding where grandmother, brother, uncle of the people and the posh friends sister of the bride is, should prick 100% popular and me and my modern conceit that give us peteneras. Well, I agree, but even with that limitation can do something worthy, what happens is that for that we must have three things:

Good taste
Like doing a good job
As in wedding DJs none of the three is met, what happens happens. I'll put the Playlist of the last wedding in which I was . To see where my imbalance comes up, I began to aim at the mobile all songs prodding, in this case, the lady DJ. A farting as the cathedral of Palma. I always told my friends that I challenge you to accept that makes them a playlist for your wedding and skewer them free. And none has accepted. Fear of the unknown than anything.

Here is the testimony of my obsession:

Waves of the Danube(Palm Springs) (Waltz, the mejorcitos, chose the mother -in- law Bald dancing it almost fell with his mother Embarrassing..).
So always - If men have reached the moon (there are three types of weddings, 50% are starting to pop calorreo, 50% starting with the sauce, and then there are those with good taste)
David Bisbal - Lie To Me (I've always thought that if together in the same space and time Strauss Bisbal, the world ended, but not start with all the artillery, babies.)
Rafaella Carra - In love everything is to start (fourth song Ah Ah Ah AH In horterada everything is start ....!!!!)
 Living well is to die of love (fifth song has already spent the wildcard public ... open bar barely started and almost nobody sings, of course ... well the bald brother - yes, it is drunk and maybe it is his. Descojonado woman with him. What pretty well - matched marriages)
Village People - In The Navy

I do not ask the moon
 If you are not you that I will do
 I'll Survive (! Noooooo, I can not listen to it There is only one song that makes me more bad coffee that is)
 I who I'm still here (and I, and I want to go, but I can not Extradition Marta Sanchez already.).
Objective Burma - Friends of my friends are my friends
Danza Invisible - Sabor De Amor (the Spanish songbook of 80 and 90 has only 20 songs, this is the third)
Village People - YMCA (Rafaella 2 - Village People 2, missing the(Palm desert) floats with their queens The bald brother has taken off his jacket and dance like the world ended His wife no longer Descojonado much and I think he thinks just.. get out of the closet)
 Who cares (great song, bad situation Welcome to the dump, Alaska.)
Blues Brothers - Everybody Needs Somebody (. Jeroma Takes bald brother just caught on tenterhooks his wife on Johnny B Good plan Holy poor that is dressed as a black lettuce just taught lace panties all respectable.).
 Son My Friends (Marta called me at six Spanish time, just to talk, just felt alone ... there 's nothing like  to destroy a party).
There are still friends ask why he married her
There are still friends ask why he married her

Tom Jones - Sex Bomb (The bald brother who had gone to the bathroom to wipe the sweat just entered as a soul by the devil to dance not to be missed and never disappoints, just scare all friends.. pijas).
Los Bravos - Black is Black (In my erotic dreams I am Antonio Alcantara and put my hand Mercedes in the guateque while playing this song).
Wham! - Wake me up before you go-go (in my erotic dreams I'm Andrew Ridgeley and George Michael put my hand in the gay bar while playing this song).
Men G - I'm going to enjoy myself (in my erotic dreams I'm David Summers and put my hand to Antonio Alcantara in bathrooms Pasha while playing this song).
(dj Zephyr event)At this point the party wearing the bald brother and seven mixed drinks (two of them on the floor). And here I can read today. Attentive to the next post, I'll end up consummating the marriage.

Meanwhile I refer to a magnificent humor page where I have taken the photographs in this post: Tacky Weddings . Viewing deserves a good wine. And musically there is something decent in the post, I put this delicious video of Billy Idol. Enjoy it.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Animal Crossing: New Leaf' for Nintendo

'Animal Crossing: New Leaf' for Nintendo 3DS: analysis(Animal)

Analysis of Marital Castillo EX: for the glory of Don Ramiro and Locomalito! Analysis of Maldita Castilla EX: for the glory of Don Ramiro and Locomalito!
We've played Gran Turismo Sport: an opportunity to regain lost groundWe've played Gran Turismo Sport: an opportunity to regain lost ground
Analysis of Star Ocean: Integrity and faithlessness, a journey of fantasy and science fiction that wanted moreAnalysis of Star Ocean: Integrity and faithlessness, a journey of fantasy and science fiction that wanted more

I will be clear from the outset. You know you are reading these lines for some of these reasons: you're nintendero you ever tried 'Animal Crossing' and you've been blown away or did not like you but are curious, you think a player of those hard for whom this game is a silly but you stand here by pure desire to reaffirm your conviction.

Let me be clear from the beginning: 'Animal Crossing: New Leaf' is an outstanding game you like or do not like. If there are people who is indifferent  'Sargent Pepper', 'Citizen Kane' or 'Ulysses' is not the fault of the work itself but the person himself. This is not a matter of taste(animal game).
The because of the causes

I tell ya, you will not find here an analysis , this absurd pipe dream that has been imposed in the Spanish media that talks and talks about video games without, often saying nothing. I supremely bored the usual cluster of pages and pages dissecting gameplay, graphics, sound ...

For a while I thought that distanced me from that trend because I used to theorize about this medium that I love. After reading many theorists truth I realized that mine was rather the music. Videogame speak from the gut, from that place of pure form arising from thoughts. At the end I knew, I think music and my instrument is the keyboard, and my notes are the words.

All this stuff comes about because for me video games are an entity without limits, a free art yet still looking hamstrung their language. You can tell a story that leaves us amazed by well or badly told, it can be a simple divertimento, it can be ... 'Animal Crossing: New Leaf' .

Lymph Live
'Animal Crossing: New Leaf' and the complex simplicity

'Animal Crossing: New Leaf' is a game aimless use getting our objective is the same fact of playing. It's a simple job to view extends to infinity as we stop a bit to think about it. It is a bugger program that encloses the demon of 'World of Warfcraf' , that is, turn off the machine and know that the world is moving without you. It's the same anxiety that is key to success, only in 'Animal Crossing'(Deer game) is not as socially harmful.

You'll feel bad if one day do not show up for your people in 'Animal Crossing: New Leaf' . The game moves to the rhythm of the internal clock of the console, and that means there are days and nights, sunrises and sunsets, summer, spring, autumn and winter, working days and holidays that save. You will not forgive not have been there on Halloween, or year - end, or on that Sunday in which the merchant makes an appearance. 'Animal Crossing: New Leaf' is torture time at its best , the obligation to consider every minute ... so it can happen.

Late hours
A wolf in sheep's clothing

Rationalizing a bit you realize that the work here is brutal invested. Vivid colors and friendly atmosphere hidden inside an unhealthy obsession for detail. It seems that there is always something new waiting for you, the team behind this invention works in real time for you. Lunacy.

I want to know how to play 'Animal Crossing: New Leaf' in the so - called Third World. Diogenes syndrome living in my house. The only solution I can find is pay that mortgage that allows me to expand the walls, to put it better all, to keep buying assets to further expand ... Sublimation of (Deer)consumerism in bright colors with friendly face, yes.

Dream house
virtual roaches. 'Animal Crossing: New Leaf', a perfect game

'Animal Crossing: New Leaf' is therefore a perfect game , subtle, yes, but perfect. It is the first title for Nintendo 3DS that cries out to be downloaded. The slot see your console turn pass cards, you will return again and again to 'Animal Crossing: New Leaf' and the years pass. It is always there, if only to see how your virtual house full of cockroaches. Long after you've stopped playing you'll keep thinking about it. How will my people after all this time?

You have already seen it. You Are Disappointed by this chronicle of options you do not speak? You know there are a thousand places to see. I would advise you not will visit none. The thing is to live life without its disappointments, no need to know more. The game is good, damn good(bombi), and deserves to discover for yourself. I like 'Animal Crossing: New Leaf' because it's never a full stop, it's always a point and followed. I like 'Animal Crossing: New Leaf' because it is an eternal game that moves your virtual life parallel to mine . May or may not oblige the proposal. Let me be clear, if so, the problem is not in the game, the problem is you. I'm lucky, I love Citizen Kane.

The benefits of playing alone with toys for children

The benefits of playing alone with toys for children(car toys)


Play alone with toys when a child has its benefits. While the presence of parents is very important, it is favorable to give their own space and occasionally let alone, at least for a short time, to enable it finds entertainment by itself.
Play alone allows them , among other things, be more independent , more autonomous , and encourages their creativity and imagination .
Individual game
Child playing alone

However, it is common in children under two years, they feel that they can not play without the company of an adult. This attitude is perfectly normal, however, should be encouraged that, little by little, the child learns to play alone. And, however small the child, he should be teaching that the parent can not be with him all the time.
Play alone with toys is a great opportunity for children. It allows them to unleash their imagination without fear of being observed, develop their creativity and be more autonomous. It also helps them explore what lies within their environment.
What happens when the adult intervenes all the time? Then the child loses his curiosity naturally to discover new things and becomes a passive being.

What happens when the child plays with toys alone? According to experts, a process in which the small organizes its own structure to get away from the game occurs. During this stage, the infant discover what it is certain toy, how it works and how it can relate to it. In this way, the child not only gets new experiences , but also turns your inner emotions and communicate with your inner self. This will allow parents to learn more about the small.

This, of course, does not mean leaving the child alone, but only, to give space for freedom. Take note that children under 3 years need the presence of parents to feel secure.
The individual game also requires a fee of discovery, and your own body is the tool that the child will want to get to know. At such times, it is useful to teach her ​​name each body part. Bath and change of clothes are ideal situations to achieve this goal.

(car toys kid)From year-old little he achieved and maintain an upright posture, take objects and moved with relative ease. During this time, his curiosity to know everything increases, gets a lot of stimuli and all contribute to make the child feel more comfortable playing alone with toys.
Arriving two years, your concentration increases, your interest in toys increases, so already in the ability to solve problems without an adult.
To help them play alone is recommended:

1. Provide them a suitable place for their games and toys , that is, that does not offer risks and that has j variety of educational uguetes s appropriate for their age. If you do not use toys, are recommended attractive objects for the child and do not represent any danger.
2. Do not lose sight . That is, the child can play alone and father can not participate, but either way should supervise instants and resort to their aid if necessary.(kids toys)
3. Switch solo games shared . Even games that allow you to interact with others should be made ​​for a minimum of one hour daily.

4. Be patient to teach the child the benefits of playing alone. You may not want to do it at first, but a good way to learn is by imitation.
5. The child must enjoy their toys and therefore should find that parents also have fun with them.
6. The goal of playing alone is, among others, learn to solve problems, so it is not recommended that the father run to solve any problem that arises .
7. As the child learns by imitation , a way to learn to play is alone, for example, that the child mount his blocks while the mother does the same on his own.

Importance of packaging and export packaging

Importance of packaging and export packaging(Moving company)

Until recently, the packaging was unimportant from the perspective of selling a product. Its true potential was considered only by companies that had advice from outside.

Importance of packaging and export packaging

related note
Ensure that innovative packaging increases sales
It is rising flexible packaging market in world
Hologram: packaging guarantee
Analyzed history of packaging and design
Today, there is much talk of packaging as a coordinated system whereby products produced or harvested are accommodated within a set packaging for shipment from the production site to the site of consumption without suffering any damage. The aim is to achieve a permanent commercial link between a product and a consumer, which should be beneficial for both. We can notice three obvious points between which the whole issue of trade in fruits, vegetables and products generally arises: Production(Chicago moving company), distribution and marketing the purpose of the packaging system is to facilitate the collection, packing and sorting goods for shipment, protecting them from physical and environmental risks during storage and transportation. His last function is to motivate the consumer to purchase guaranteeing that it is in the same quality that had at the time of collection or workmanship. The functions of packaging are many and are divided into two: structural and modern.

Which have to do with the physical part of the product is called structural: • Contain. The packaging should have a specific capacity for the product is well distributed • Compatibility . The packaging must be compatible with the product to prevent flavors or microorganisms contaminating the product are transmitted • Hold . The packaging must retain all product attributes • Practical . The packaging must be able to arm themselves, filled and closed easily • Be comfortable for handling by the trader and the carrier. For the conservation of some products perishable or delicate type, take into account additional features when packing them : Separate, isolate, cushion, fix, seal, among others. the modern functions are related rather with intrinsic aspects of the product, ie(Movers), presentation and exhibition.

This means that the product should be able to sell itself. Types of products can be commercial, institutional and industrial, this classification is important because each product has its set of packaging and these have different characteristics. The trade are presented in several units as the market that are targeted. In institutional, to have a specific market and sometimes captive, functions are more restrictive. They focus more on product identification and packing the amount consumed on each purchase. The complement of these 2 is an industrial or packaging. The emphasis is that is manageable and that its content is perfectly identified. Packing System: Hidden Costs Good packaging emphasizes product features, attributes and states shows the difference between competing products on the market. All these benefits come at a cost, so that the packaging meets the corresponding functions and contribute positively to their marketing. In designing the manufacture of a product, packaging is part of the tools necessary for production.

(Moving truck)That is, it must be planned in advance, for example, the cost of inventories. Each package has its production scale that the less costly it can keep inventory costs low. The cost of packaging, labor to assemble, fill and seal packaging must also be included. The package protects the product when stored in warehouses. The cost varies according to store maximum utilization of space which is directly connected to the distribution of the product inside the packaging. In distribution, the volume and weight play an important role in cost. Distribute a product often has invisible costs as they generally have to travel long distances. The cost of a system packing of goods, is not a simple figure (labor to assemble and close the packaging, storage both vacuum packaging as full highlight more the appearance for sale, the service provided by the supplier of packaging ...) is an entire business strategy to be administered and controlled in the same way as planning the production of the products is directed.

Materials for packaging and packaging Daily improvement processes are developed in materials for packaging product. lighter, less expensive, more resistant to different temperatures, less porous, to meet customer needs, and ensure the quality of products is you must know what kind of protection required and how to protect against various eventualities during international transit. You need to master the types of packaging materials and properly packaged (wood, metal, cardboard, plastic, paper and glass), always considering their advantages and disadvantages (Movers Chicago)(costs, handling, volume, fragility, corrosion, disposal, reuse, recyclable, sensitivity to sunlight, humidity, light, pests, etc.). the transport, an important factor in the globalization of markets transportation plays an important role and any company that wants to develop new markets, depends on a reliable supply and channels suitable distribution. It is useful to know the range of services provided by transport companies to achieve stow and secure the load properly and avoid any damage.

A proper packaging and packaging for export must take into account the following points: mechanical stresses, climatic stresses, biological tensions and chemical stress. the packaging must protect the load, allow to be stacked, allowing can lift, move and secure, provide information on the load and maneuverability. the container itself is a means of transport. To streamline the loading space in double stack, if you have an adequate and strong packaging, cargo can travel by air, land and sea reaching its destination in the same condition it was shipped from origin regardless of the weather. Mixed loads(Long distance movers Chicago), items of different composition and size, should be sorted from lowest to highest weight, the heaviest in the first level and stowing light or fragile.

The packaging should withstand weather changes and transshipment throughout the transport process. Tips for easy packaging the use of suitable packaging will be crucial to the success of their business. The main rule to follow is: the packaging must be appropriate to the nature of the product. • Set the type of container used. It is essential to establish the sealing of this, especially in cardboard packaging where the thickness and flautado are determined based on the weight to be supported, testing freefall and stevedoring. • Pack each item separately.

Fragile as separate as possible from each other, from the corners and sides of the box, to reduce the likelihood of damage. • Use enough cushioning material and ensure that the contents do not move. A variety of materials used to immobilize, cushion and protect: shrinkable plastic film, plastic bubble, molded foam, corrugated board, etc. • Close. For the carton use strong tape which fulfill two essential functions(Affordable moving company): perfectly close the box and prevent it violated the content. It is essential to have perfect adhesion and meets the optimum tear. It takes place the appropriate tape width is determined by the size of the box.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

When you can go for a walk with the baby?

When you can go for a walk with the baby(Organic cotton baby clothes)?

This is the question I have received lately more: When can go for a walk with the baby?

I do not know if I seem very chipmunks already traveling with baby, giving a walk in the courtyard of my building and occasionally carrying the little boy to the pharmacy, for you ask me this, but I always go out with the utmost care. The prudent response would be from vaccines of the second month.

When Theo was born, he spent nearly two months holed up in the room with the heater on and leave very few times with him at most to the pediatrician. With Max was very different, as having an older son who demand attention and rsrs strategic tours, you just need to go out and walk with them but in less tumultuous places, with very few people, as in the courtyard of the building, pharmacy, and if you needed to go in a place with more people (as we were at the airport) package the boy to expose as little as possible(Gender neutral baby clothing).

The truth is that the baby is very vulnerable with no vaccine , any single doençazinha as a cold or a virus can be fatal to this little being, and to find someone sick just around the corner or even enter the elevator of your building. Therefore take your small only where it is really needed, as the pediatrician and Grandma's house.

Of course, after the mother feel better after childbirth have to leave behind some things, like at best go to a pharmacy, a supermarket, a fair, but for those who do not aid as the mother of a neighbor , sister or babysitter, someone to leave the baby is like? Or does not leave home or go out and carry the baby. But always remember to protect the small to the fullest and leave with a bag full of everything you might need while away with little.

It is best to think about it if you really need to go out and take the little together, because imagine if he takes any disease? How will you contain so blame (oh, guilt, the largest partner of all mothers ...) ? Even after the vaccine two months, you need to find out if there is a disease outbreak in the region, such as chicken pox, viruses, etc.(baby clothes online)

The pride of the parents when a child is born is so great that want to go out to "show" their little the world. And what is the first stop ??? SHOPPING !!! Shopping can? After two months, power, might. But always be aware of any wave of disease that are in places with large flow of people. Oh, and do not abuse the time: it's a quick walk.

But always remember that before leaving with the baby, try to put yourself in his place. Imagine yourself inside a womb, warm and quiet, then inside your home, where the largest volume is the television, then you take the baby to a restaurant for example, with the sound of many people talking, (baby gifts)cutlery falling, waiters making the request, loud music ... This will generate a lot of stress and the baby will start crying nonstop !!!!

Any noise like a car passing on the street can scare a lot, a very strong sun can disturb, heat or cold also leave angry child, you need to assess the whole situation before leaving home with the child. You can not take a child right out of your room and lead by example in Sunday Mass, we must go one day with empty church, attend less noisy places for ouvidinho get used to the noise, because in addition to a stressed child, you will have a insessante crying show too.

To sum it all, the word is PRUDENCIA . Always ask yourself: Is it wise to leave with (baby clothes)the baby to this place? You have to go out with him? Acting with prudence is much easier to decide.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Football academies

Purchase this image at
The coach must above all be an educator and never forget that working with children.
Tremendous changes happening in football. Plus, the national championships are affected and affect incredible economic interests, be they private, whether governmental or purely personal.

Whether it is for the good of the sport, it is a different story with many aspects and answers. In the book «Football in the digital age of Ian Hamil, Jonathan Michie, Christine Oughton , Steven Warby», the late Johan Cruyff prefacing wrote,

"Football has been characterized as the people's sport. Many of those who surround But just do not think so. They do not see the fan as a person, but as a customer, do not see football as a spectacle simple, but as a product, can not see the audience as people but as euro. But these long-term business opportunities will remain unused if the sport does not remain static, sport. "

On the other side of the river there is another aspect of how we should handle the sport. Which are all acceptable as a social phenomenon that reflects the level of the country's society, prosperity, justice, people's prosperity, living standards and dynamics ultimately the state.

Countries like England, Spain, France, Italy, Germany show their power through the football, while others try to hide the numerous socio-economic problems inside the sport , such as Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, without of course we can not ignore countries after turbulent times trying to find their feet inside the sport (Serbia, Croatia) and achieve the coexistence of opposites peoples (Kypros- Greece, Turkey).

Since then football can and exercise much influence, why not seize even more, as we more? It looks like an inexhaustible source of wealth, which can supply us what we want indefinitely(soccer football).

But is it so?

Tends now be considered a graphic when referring to earlier times, highlighting the most simplified of things whether it was the entrance to the stadium or the coexistence of rival fans. Many people are now rejecting football, due to the lack of innocence today, the domination of commercialization and exploitation of the interests, factors that lead to opadismo, fanaticism, violence.

Those reported were some of the elements that structure the football today, though, we should say that focused more on the bad than the good, because these are related to pure racing sector.

The right of UEFA strategy for establishment of criteria, the installations which should have a team playing in the tournament, the commandment to settle the debts of the groups fighting in Europe and the prompt creation of incubators' players according to scientific criteria, so as to significantly reduce costs and increase income groups, only as good can be mentioned.

Academies must be understood that no training sessions are conducted in the traditional sense, but essentially are football lessons . Therefore, the coach should above all be educator and must never forget that working with children.

The academies program usually separated on the basis of calendar age(training soccer), so others are the objectives of the training of children 6-8 years old and 8-10 years, or even 16+ years. Therefore , it requires the academy to consist of coaches and trainers graduates who have the knowledge to work scientifically and whose specialty is soccer, so as to give children the right stimuli to have the desired effect.

Unfortunately, the phenomenon of "ready of training units" there, which take inexperienced coaches and copy faithfully without being sure if it can be done at the age of children who apply . So, always runs the risk to be taken as "recipes", the various programs implemented without taking into account the different performance factors and therefore made ​​mistakes.

Still, there are coaches empirical essentially coaching the whole based on "intuition them." With coaching contents as they were when they were footballers, now obsolete and inadequate and incorrect methods, without beginning and end to the program, simply can harm children.

Over time(coaching private soccer), the children will go through all the calendar ranks of the academy program. It is worth noting that in order to move a child from grade to the next, considered outside the biological age and training age, the rate of improvement but, and body type.

European Volunteering in Portugal in cultural activities and entertainment

New offer European volunteer work in Portugal with youth(Transformer Logo) in a host organization in Agueda, this time at the hands of an organization that works closely with young people, including as always in the SVE all expenses paid


European voluntary activities portugal
European voluntary activities portugal
Agueda , Portugal

a) Promote intercultural dialogue and tolerance within our community, mostly with young people (target-group: 13-18);

b) Sensitizing youth to their European citizenship;

c) Empower volunteers and help them develop an entrepreneurial attitude;

d) Promote the acquisition of skills and knowledge in volunteers that are essential for an active European citizenship;

e) Promote non formal learning in the development of essential competences;

Description of Volunteering Activities
1.  Intervention in the community:

a)(logo design) Intervention with young people from our community in a structured environment (Club of Europe, in Schools of the region), with the support of a youth worker/teacher, to promote intercultural competences and tolerance by means of non-formal education;

b) Promoting events related to their national culture, European festive days, such as Intercultural day and EU day, for instance;

2. Ideas Lab – Individual tasks related to personal and professional development of volunteers:

a) Training and continuous technical support in terms of turning ideas into actions: how to build a project that addresses needs and local potential, search for partners and write applications;

1. Profile of Volunteer:

We want to welcome volunteers (aged 20 or above) who are…

a) Interested in contacting with the Portuguese culture and that are motivated to establish an intercultural dialogue ;

b) Willing to develop skills in project management and the promotion of youth activities;

c) Motivated to develop activities with other young people in the context of non- formal education;

d) Willing to learn Portuguese language and culture;

Good level of English is essential!

2. Selection Process

1st Step: Each sending organization should give visibility of this Volunteering opportunity and gather applications
2nd Step: Each sending organization interview the potential volunteers and discuss with them their motivation to participate in this project (animation)

3rd Step: Each sending organization present to Psientífica their selection. As hosting and coordinating organization, we would like to perform a skype interview to all potential participants, in order to understand their motivation and profile in being part of this project. As they are going to spend a lot of time with young people from our community, we would like to understand how responsible and committed to the project they are. In case we understand that the profile of the selected volunteer does not comply with the learning potential of the project, we reserve the right to ask the sending organization to present another volunteer.

In this project, we are going to host 4 volunteers from EU countries – Poland, Spain, Italy and Germany – , aged above 20 years old. In selection, sending organizations should ensure gender balance (2 girls and 2 boys). We should give priority to youth with fewer opportunities in the selection process. If possible, at least one of the volunteers should have driver’s license, in case we manage to rent a car for the group to reach the schools and explore the surroundings on their free time.

Friday, July 22, 2016

10 myths of spina bifida

1 Spina bifida is a birth defect(Dahianara Moran).

True. Spina bifida is a type of neural tube defect. It happens when the spine does not form properly and thus affects the formation of the spinal cord and in many cases the nerves.
2 All cases of spina bifida are equal.
False. The implications and consequences depend on the size and location of the defect and whether the spinal cord and nerves have been exposed to amniotic fluid during pregnancy.
There are three types of spina bifida. One is myelomeningocele, which is the most severe type of spina bifida. In this case a bag of liquid containing the spinal cord and nerves out through an opening in the baby's back, causing damage to them.
Another is meningocele. In this case the sac of fluid flows through a opening in the baby's back, but nerves are not in this bag. This means that there is little or no damage to the nerves and thus less affectations.
The third is hidden. It is the least severe case of spina bifida. lack of closure of the spine occurs, but not the sack in the previous cases protrudes from the baby's back is formed. In these cases the effects are usually very few or no.
3 All persons born with spina bifida do not walk.
False. Depending on the location of the defect they will be affected nerves that allow a person to walk. 80% of people with spina bifida does not walk. However, with the help of physical therapy, there are cases of children who were not supposed to walk and they get it.
4 There is no way to prevent spina bifida.
False. Taking folic acid at least three months before pregnancy reduces the risk of having a baby with spina bifida by 70%. Spina bifida occurs in the first 27 days of management when in many cases the woman still does not know she is pregnant. That is why every woman of childbearing age should take a daily dose of 400 micrograms of folic acid and continue for at least during the first trimester of pregnancy.
5 Folic acid is found only in supplement form.
False. There are foods that contain this vitamin, such as green leafy vegetables(Spina Bifida), broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus, beans and lentils, the latter being the most contain it.
6 There is no way to diagnose spina bifida before birth.
False. There are three ways to detect spina bifida. One is a blood test called screening, which is done between weeks 9 and 13 and week 20, which measures the level of alpha-fetoprotein which rises in cases where the baby has this defect.
Ultrasound is another method where you can see the defect, allowing the doctor a clearer picture of the skull, spine and other organs in order to detect the presence or absence of a neural tube defect.
Amniocentesis (sampling of amniotic fluid) can also measure the level of alpha-fetoprotein.
7 There is no cure for spina bifida.
True. Spina bifida is no cure, but if it is diagnosed early can give more monitoring during pregnancy and schedule delivery via caesarean section (a natural birth is not recommended to prevent further damage to the defect area) and surgery enclosure so that all the necessary specialists are present, as appropriate. There are surgeries closure of the defect Intrauterine are considered in severe cases.
8 is optional closing operation of spina bifida at birth.
False. The closure of the defect must be performed within the first 48 hours of life, as the sac that protrudes from the back of the baby is not covered by skin and can give a perforation of the membrane, exposing the spinal cord and nerves. This would cause severe complications.
9 motor problems are the only consequences of spina bifida.
False. Other sequelae include hydrocephalus, Chiari malformation, memory and concentration difficulties(Spina Bifida Support), abnormal urinary and bowel control, latex allergy, among others. These are not known at the time of birth but which may arise throughout the patient's life.
10 operation corrects enclosure birth spina bifida.
False. This operation is done to cover the bone or nerves are exposed, but does not eliminate the consequences.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Skin soft moisturizer

10 Effective DIY Homemade acne masks(Organic skin care)
View larger image DIY Homemade Acne Masks
Many people, adolescents or adults suffering from acne, some only a few a few days in a year, but there are many who suffer from acne throughout adolescence or adulthood. People spend a lot of money for medications and prescriptions for treatment. But fortunately we have many homemade natural remedies to treat acne and reduce scarring from acne and get rid of blemishes. You need to share some of the most effective tools homemade acne mask recipes which can be easily done with most ingredients from the kitchen. The benefit of using these masks homemade acne is that it is chemical free, easy to do, costs less and gives your skin a healthy glow and treats scars as well.

1. Salt Mask

Salt Mask for Acne

Salt is an effective natural cleanser, which reduces excess oil from your skin with a significant amount , leaving your skin oil-free and edge-free.

What you need:

Epsom salt / sea salt
Hot water
How to fix it:

Mix 1 teaspoon or Epsom salt or sea salt 2 teaspoons hot water. Hot water will help the salt dissolve faster. Wash your face and pat dry. Once the salt has completely dissolved apply it on your face and leave for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and follow your usual skin care.

My advice for this mask:

After washing and moisturizing my face, i apply this Epsom salt water on my face with cotton and leave to dry(one step face wash) . If you see any white residue after dry ego simply wipe with a clean towel and apply my makeup over it. So this way stays on my face all day to follow my skin care routine night time. And I pretty much use it morning and evening. You can make extra and store it in a clean glass jar or plastic bottle.

2. Cinnamon and Honey Mask

Cinnamon Honey Acne Mask

Honey is a secret ingredient for beautiful skin. All that has antibiotic and antiseptic properties that kill the acne causing bacteria, but helps lock in moisture keeping your skin soft and glowing. It also helps with blemishes, scars, birthmarks and blemishes. Cinnamon is a natural antibacterial , antioxidant, anti- inflammatory and provides physical benefits of micro-dermabrasion with acne sufferers. When both of these super ingredients are combined to treat acne effectively without irritating the skin.

What you need:

cinnamon powder
How to fix it:

Combine two teaspoons of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon to dissolve all lumps are one. Wash your face and pat dry. Apply the mask on your face (or spot treatment or entire face). Leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse . Follow your usual skin care.

My advice for this mask:

After 2-3 minutes the application on your face warmth from the person will begin to melt the honey making it more liquidy, so you will see that little drip from your face. Keep a towel handy in case you need to wipe the excess drips. You can add a few drop of lemon to mask . Lemon has natural bleaching properties that can help get rid of acne scars faster. Feel free to use it 1-2 times a week, if you have a lot of acne . Its safe to store the extra in a glass jar in case if you were not able to use up all at once (eczema relief cream).

3. Banana Mask

Banana Mask for Acne

As we now know honey is an important ingredient for treatment mask our acne is to use it again . Bananas are not beneficial only when we eat , does not moisturize and hydrate the skin when applied to the face, but also the treatment of acne . Lemons whitening agents are natural and also reduce excess oil on the face , so that the mask with skin hydration will fight pimples and reduce the scarring on the skin.

What you need:

ripe banana
lemon juice
How to fix it:

Completely mash up a ripe banana , then add 2 tbsp honey in it. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in this mask . Wash your face and pat dry. Apply the mask on your face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Follow your usual skin care.

My advice for this mask:

I like to use this mask cold. So, before you mash the banana up, i keep in the refrigerator for 10-20 minutes. You can either do this or you can make a mask and then keep in the fridge for 15-20 minutes. I feel like the cold mask tightens my pores(acne solution).

4. Egg White Mask

Egg White Mask Acne

The eggs are packed with proteins and vitamins. Egg whites help fight acne and reduce scarring. The proteins of the egg to aid healing of the skin and helps regeneration of healthy skin cells .

What you need:

How to fix it:

I get 1-2 eggs and separate the whites from the yolks and beat until foamy . Wash your face and pat dry. Apply a thin layer on your face and let it dry for a few minutes . Reapply to do three to four layers in total . Let the mask dry for 15-20 minutes and then rinse. Follow your usual skin care.

My advice for this mask:

If you have some extra egg whites left, apply it to your hair . Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and then shampoo. Protein is good for hair and this mask will make your hair stronger and shinier. Do not use this mask if you are allergic to eggs.

5. Baking Soda Mask

Baking Soda Acne Mask

Baking soda a very common ingredient found in each kitchen, also chemically known as sodium bicarbonate , fights bacteria that cause acne due MIDL antiseptic properties. Also dries out the excess oil that can clog pores and provides a gentle micro dermabrasion to remove dead skin cells.

What you need(eye serum):

Baking soda
How to fix it:

Take baking soda and water in equal parts, mix until it forms a thick paste. Make sure all the pieces broken, since it can be harsh on the skin . Wash your face and pat dry. Apply the paste all over your face. Wait for 10-20 minutes and then rinse your face with cold water . Follow your usual skin care.

My advice for this mask:

You can either use this recipe as a mask or a scrub . When you use a scrub, apply the paste on your face with gentle circular movements rub your face for 1-2 minutes. Rinse your face with cold water and follow your usual skin care.

6. yogurt mask

Yogurt Mask for Acne Problems

Yogurt acts as a natural astringent, a mild bleach packed nutrients. It works wonders on the skin and nourish it from inside and out. Honey has antibiotic and antiseptic properties that kill the acne causing bacteria, but helps lock in moisture keeping your skin soft and glowing .

What you need:

How to fix it:

I take 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon of yogurt(skin soft moisturizer). Mix well until a uniform dough. Wash your face and pat dry. Apply a thick layer on your face and let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Follow your usual skin care.

My advice for this mask:

You can add turmeric powder (1/4 teaspoon) into this mask. Turmeric is known for its antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Does wonders to the skin, fights bacteria that cause acne, minor skin irritations and brightens acne scars over time. But make sure that turmeric is to stain your clothes, nails and lightly pigmented skin . So when you add turmeric this mask in the evening, you can get two washes before starting a new day, one night and one the next morning. This can remove any stains from light yellow nails and skin. Or you can enjoy a cotton ball in milk and rub the stained areas. Use this mask two to three days a week.

7. Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal Mask for Acne

Oatmeal soothes the skin and soothes acne under reduce inflammation and redness.

What you need:

How to fix it:

Make a paste of water and oat flour. Wash your face and pat dry. Apply it all over your face and let it sit for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Follow your usual skin care.

My advice for this mask:

You can add honey (Clear skin acne remedy) in this mask. Honey addition enhances the effectiveness of the mask with the addition of anti-inflammatory and anti bacterial properties of honey.

8. Honey and Avocado Mask

Avocado and Honey Acne Mask

Avocado is one of those superfood that is not only delicious but is healthy and beneficial in so many ways. full of monounsaturated fatty acids, when applied on the face provides a beautiful glow from hydrates. Honey as we know from expertise helps fight acne-causing bacteria.

What you need:

How to fix it:

Take an avocado, scoop away and mash with fork. Add 1 tablespoon of honey in it. Wash your face and pat dry. Apply it all over your face and let it sit for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Follow your usual skin care.

My advice for this mask:

If you have left that mask is applied to your neck, chest and hands before heading into the shower. Your body will thank you for it!

9. Cucumber and Oat Mask

Cucumber and Oat Mask(vegan skin care)

Cucumber has mild astringent properties and has the same level of pH, such as skin. Nourishes the skin and cleans away acne and blemishes. It helps calm and soothe the skin and helps the skin's natural healing process. Oats absorb any excess and unwanted acne causing oils from the skin and acts as a mild exfoliant. Lemons has natural bleaching properties and helps lighten acne scars , dark spots and blemishes.

What you need:

How to fix it:

Take a small cucumber, put it in a blender and mix well. Add two tablespoons of oats and half lemon juice. Make a smooth paste . Wash your face and pat dry. Apply it all over your face , massage your face with gentle circular motions and then let it sit for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Follow your usual skin care.

My advice for this mask:

As we Honey reduces inflammation and fights acne causing bacteria, you can add 1 tablespoon honey in it as well.

10. Aloe Vera and Honey Mask

Aloe Vera and Honey Acne Mask

Aloe vera is soothing and promotes healing of acne by reducing redness and inflammation. Also helps fade acne marks over time. Honey moisturizing properties nourishes the skin, while the bacteria struggle acne(sulfate free shampoo).

What you need:

Aloe Vera
How to fix it:

Cut a small part of the aloe vera leaf (about 2 inches) and fragments of all the gels from the sheet. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to it and mix well . Wash your face and pat dry. Apply it all over your face and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Follow your usual skin care.

My advice for this mask:

You can omit the honey is it and simply apply the aloe vera gel directly on your face. It also reduces wrinkles, and can penetrate the deeper layers of the skin by providing nutrients to the skin and stimulate and increase the production of collagen and elastin the skin , reversing the age clock !

Let me know which of these kitchen remedies for acne treatments have worked for you . If you have any other recipes for homemade DIY acne masks hesitate to share with us!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Step by step the permanent deletion of an account WhatsApp

Step by step the permanent deletion of an account WhatsApp(espiar whatsapp )
In the various app stores is a doom this time of social messenger type applications. All longer we communicate over the Internet, having replaced traditional SMS messages.

WhatsApp , Viber , Facebook Messenger, is the most popular messenger applications . This article will deal with the process for deleting a WhatsApp account, in case you are bored or use most other messenger application and do not want to leave behind your inactive accounts.

What should I know before I delete my WhatsApp account?

First(como espiar whatsapp), be aware that deleting a WhatsApp account is immediate and no return . With the account deletion removed from the contacts list of your friends and all group chats in which participate, deleted messages and call history from your device and lost all your personal information in the application.

If anything can save before finally leave the WhatsApp, these are messages from -atomikes and your omadikes- talks.

How to keep a copy of my WhatsApp messages?

Backup WhatsApp messages

1. Click the icon WhatsApp iconat the top right of the screen.

2. From the menu that appears, select " Settings ".

Backup WhatsApp messages

3. In the new menu, choose " Chat and call ."

4. At this point, you can select either " conversation copy " or " conversation history ".

In the first case(hackear whatsapp), you can keep a copy of your history to your device through the Google Drive cloud service, so as to restore it with new account creation on WhatsApp.

In the second case, you can "chat send via email» and choose to send specific conversations to your email with the .txt file format (opens with the simple notebook), so as to read them whenever you want.

How to permanently delete my WhatsApp account?

The procedure was performed on an Android device, however they are similar and iPhone.

Step by step the permanent deletion of an account WhatsApp

1. Open the application WhatsApp .

2. Click the icon  WhatsApp iconat the top right of the screen.

Step by step the permanent deletion of an account WhatsApp

3. From the menu that appears, tap " Settings ."

4. In the new options menu click on " Account ".

Step by step the permanent deletion of an account WhatsApp

5. In this step, click " Delete account (espiar android)".

6. In the new screen to be sure the "country selection field is Greece ."

7. In the next field enter the mobile phone number you use on WhatsApp.

8. Press to end the option " Delete Account ".

Step by step the permanent deletion of an account WhatsApp

9. Last step, confirm your action by pressing again the option " Delete Account ".

If all went well, then your account will be disconnected from WhatsApp, will return to the home screen of the application for a short time you will see the message " Your account has been deleted WhatsApp(espiar whatsapp 2017). ", As shown in the picture above.

Can I reactivate my WhatsApp account?

After deleting your account, you can always re-create the account with the same mobile phone number. Of course, you need to re-enter your personal information and history messages and calls will be empty unless you keep a copy of your messages and enter during account creation.

Spring Skin Care !

It's spring, the weather changed and we must change mood, clothes and the way they take care of our skin. Why?
• To address the increased sunshine and the risk of photoaging,
• To prevent dehydration due to heat came suddenly,
• To "radiate" having eliminates dead skin cells, along with our heavy winter clothes.

The skin on our face needs a deep cleaning combined with scaling (by applying a peeling acid or a phytopeeling). This will eliminate the excess amount of sebum accumulated in the pores and dead

cells of the surface (which in summer grow even more, as the heat increases keratinization, so moreover quickly grow long hair and our nails the hot months of the year).

The cosmetic care at home should likewise be adapted:
1. The lotion we use must be keratolytic, not just shot (necessarily use lotion after soap or cleansing milk).

2. The day cream must have vitamin C, because it is an antioxidant and photoprotective, necessary to treat photoaging (maybe add a serum-serum vitamin C before applying the cream, if this has not

ascorbic acid in the ingredients). 3. use sunscreen with SPF 25 or more is necessary before exposure to the sun, and it must be renewed every 2-3 hours if we remain exposed.

Caution! Do not rest use moisturizer with SPF. The moisturizer should be applied to clean skin and its purpose is to absorb and soak (not to remain on the surface and protect). Moreover, this

moisturizer will be positioned once a day, possibly in the morning. All other times how to protect you? Put sunscreen suitable for your skin,
without comedogenic ingredients and parabens, every hour of the day to be exposed to the sun, fearlessly over your cream. 4. At night, use a moisturizing and exfoliating product with acids (AHA or BHA) or a retinol cream (to photoprotective and antioxidant action: facing the free radicals generated during the day). 5. Drink plenty of water and select specialty nutritional supplements to

strengthen your organization. Follow expert advice and choose supplements that contain: vitamin C (ascorbic acid) for treating photoaging and increase the production of collagen, zinc to

strengthenthe defense mechanism of the skin (large body surfaces left uncovered in summer and exposed to fungi, bacteria , commonly found in a plurality gymnastiria . paralies etc. restaurants),

selenium, especially in the summer to increase the photoprotection, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 and carotenoids (beta-carotene) for enhancement of the immune skin and melanorythmisi (normalize

melanin production and avoid creating freckles and senile stains).

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Destination Bachelorette Party!

I was never a fan of bachelor parties (a)(party games). Neither men nor women. I believe that marriage should add friends and often think these goodbyes disaggregate ... but paid with the language and here I

am talking about my bachelorette party. I decided to make a trip with some friends, it would be a small thing for a group more intimate, when I realized I did not want a little thing for a more

intimate group. I wanted as many people that I love and that are special to me. I thought about going to the south of Brazil to the northeast(Bachelorette), to Miami ... but in the end we went to Aruba.

things we love destination bachelorette party aruba 1

My decision was not based only on my will. I'm crazy for travel, and that you already know. I started to do a thousand budgets and incredibly Aruba was one of the cheapest options in terms of

cost-benefit. We chose a good hotel, a flight that also had SP outputs  and a holiday 4 days so that no one needed to miss work. [Yes, if you want as many people in

your party(Butler), think about it and do not let the hand of anyone that responsibility!]

things we love destination bachelorette party aruba 3

Prepared budget, decided place, it's time to pay. I opted for making a travel agency because I thought it would be easier to control payments and also because it was the best price I found (after

much negotiation with three different agencies). Several friends of different groups who never met they were so lively or I for the trip. We have created a group on whatsapp and everyone began to

interact since before the trip to already begin to know(Entertainment).

things we love destination bachelorette party aruba 2

But of course I could not let the side Nathalia psyco aside, so long before I began to think of all that we do with the little time that we had there. After all, we were paying "expensive", so we

had to take a lot. I had a super help of the press office of Aruba in Brazil, prepared a nice script for all of us, because not think it's easy to organize travel for 15 people.

(Birthday)things we love destination bachelorette party aruba 4

I decided that I would do to them a treat with some favors to deliver at the beginning of the trip and in the end gave a card prepared for each of them with the greatest affection thanking that

special moment, the availability of them, friendship ... They prepared kits with shirts , headdresses, colored glasses, straws and gifts for me. We left uniformed one of the nights and other fun.

things we love destination bachelorette party aruba 4

In the end, I concluded that the bachelorette very worth it if you and your fiance(bartending) has no problem with that. The idea is not to create confusion in the couple, but have an "excuse" to be with

friends. whether traveling, whether at a party or in a weekend girls / boys only. Not that it will not happen after the wedding, but it is possible to happen less. In the end, I found my "excuse"

perfect for traveling with my friends to paradise and celebrate with them this time so special to me.  I paid with the language and very worth i(cooking)t. I loved too much and really think I had the best

bachelorette anyone could want in life. A special thank my friends who participated and made ​​my joy on this trip.

TAGS: aruba , wedding , bachelorette , bachelor party , destination bachelorette party , everyday wedding , travel

Monday, July 18, 2016

Pipes in Ear

Ear tube(Ohrenkorrektur)

The ear tubes are tiny cylinders placed in the drum of the ear (the tympanic membrane) to allow air into the middle ear.

There are two basic types: short and long term.

Short-term tubes are smaller and typically stay for six months to a year before they fall out on their own.
The long-term tubes are larger and are shaped so that secure in place for longer. Long-term tubes may fall on their own, but removal by an otolaryngologist may be necessary.
In children always put their short-term tubes, which usually come only after six to twelve months. When to go is unpredictable. Can one ear out after six months and the other after ten months.

Who need hoses ear and why;
Grommets ear usually placed when a patient suffers from  recurrent infections of the middle ear (many episodes of acute otitis media) or hearing loss caused by the persistent presence of fluid in the ear (otitis media with effusion - glue ear).
the accumulation of fluid in the ear due to the occlusion of the tube connecting the ear to the back of the nose (eustachian tube). The obstruction caused by many ear infections, allergies or large adenoids (adenoids).
This usually occurs in children aged 2 to 5 years, but can also occur in adolescents and adults and can lead to speech and balance problems in hearing loss or to changes in the ear drum structure.
Other less common conditions that may warrant the placement of ear tubes are malformation drum or eustachian tube, Down syndrome, cleft palate - cleft palate, and barotrauma (damage to middle ear caused by the reduction in air pressure, usually seen with altitude changes, such as flight and diving).
Every year, more than 500,000 surgical procedures for placement tubules ear made ​​in children in the United States, making it the most common surgical surgery of childhood made ​​with anesthesia. When there exists another attendant condition then the positioning of the cannula in the ear is done with sedation and not sedation. The usual age for entering cannula ear are two to five years of life of the child

What is the benefit for my child;
By placing tubes in the ear can:
• Reduce the risk of future infection in the ear
• To restore immediately the hearing loss caused by fluid in the middle ear.
• To improve speech problems and balance problems
• improve behavior problems caused by chronic ear infections.

How placed tubes in the ear;
ear tube2 The ear tubes (tubes) are inserted into the ear through a surgical procedure called a myringotomy (tiny hole in the drum). There is a small hole in the drum with the aid of a surgical microscope with a small knife, but can also be achieved by laser.

The tube is placed in the hole created in order to keep it open and allow air to reach the middle ear space (ventilation). The maneuvers are to be especially careful, because the space is small and structures are very sensitive.

What happens during the surgery;
in children given general anesthesia (asleep) when there is another pathology or simply drunk when they need to only the pipes installed. Adults can make the procedure without anesthesia.

Becomes the myringotomy (hole) and the liquid behind the eardrum (the middle ear space) sucked out. The tube is then placed in the hole. The procedure usually takes less than 10 minutes and patients awaken quickly(Ohrenoperation).
The operation does not cause any pain to the child. Also not given any antibiotics only locally ear drops.
Sometimes the otolaryngologist will recommend the same time and the tissues of the adenoids, the adenoids is. Research shows that removing the adenoids - adenoids with the simultaneous placement of ventilation tubes can reduce the risk of recurrent ear infections and the need for repeat surgery.

What happens after surgery;
After surgery the small child, the patient is monitored in the recovery room for a short time 30 minutes in the presence of his parents and go home within an hour or two if there are no complications. Patients do not feel no post-operative pain, but dizziness, irritability, nausea from anesthesia may temporarily occur.
The hearing loss is caused by the presence of fluid in the ear completely restored immediately after the surgery. That kid coming out of surgery hears normally and parents realize that their arrival in the house.
After a few days of surgery should be an audiogram, to ensure that the hearing has been improved by the surgery and one once a month to examine the ENT child to see the presence of the tube in the ear.

Ear protection after surgery.
To avoid the possibility of contamination by bacteria entering the middle ear through the ventilation tube, the doctor may recommend ear protection using earplugs during bathing, and water activities. However, recent research suggests that the protection of the ear may not be necessary. Parents should consult the ENT about ear protection after surgery.

Possible complications after surgery
The introduction of the cannula vent ear is an extremely common and safe procedure with minimal complications. When complications occur, they may include:

• Perforation - This can occur when the tube out and the hole in the tympanic membrane (ear drum) is not closed. The hole can be patched and closed, without any particular problems.

• Scarring - Any irritation of the ear drum (recurrent ear infections, ear infections), can cause scarring called tympanosclerosis plates. This causes no trouble in hearing.

• Contamination - Infections may also occur in the middle ear or around the ear tube. However, these infections are rare and it is easy to deal with antibiotic ear drops. Sometimes an antibiotic by mouth may be necessary.

Recurrence - If the pipe out very quickly fluid may return and require repeated surgery.

• cannula Stay for a long time - If the tube stand for a long time (over a year) may be required to remove from the audiologist.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


The rhinos in prehistoric times and even lived in Europe, which is illustrated in surviving cave paintings. But today, very few rhinos survive outside of national parks and sanctuaries in Africa and Asia.

Life rhinoceros

The rhino is herbivorous animal that relies mainly on highly developed sense of smell and hearing. Instead, it has poor eyesight and struggles to stand out from afar if an animal is a threat or not for him. So you can attack preventative, giving the impression blooded animal. Fortunately for their enemies, struggling to make targeted attacks.

Although the skin is thick rhinos are sensitive to hot sun and in insect bites. For this smear their bodies with mud, which acts as sunscreen and insect repellent. Also to cool, rhinos tend to splash in puddles and sandy riverbeds.(sng tê giác)

Despite their great weight exceeding 1000 kg in the case of black rhino and can reach the 4 tonnes for white rhino is rapidly animals. Can exceed 50 kilometers per hour when attacking, running that is faster than the world champion 100 meters!

His life threatened

There are five species of rhinos in Africa and Asia. Some of them are already on the brink of extinction, such as the Asian rhino Javan fighting for survival, as only 50 people left. Fortunately, some other species are effectively protected and their populations have rebounded: in South Africa, the white rhino who had reached the brink of extinction in the early 20th century, today more than 20,000 people. The black rhino also has doubled its population in the past two decades, reaching about 5,000 people today. Nevertheless, the population remains small compared to the 100,000 who lived in the beginning of the century.

The biggest threat today for the rhino from the illicit trade and huge demand from countries like Vietnam for its horn. The price on the black market reaches the $ 65,000 per kilo is higher that the price of gold. Demand is fueled by superstition that the horn want to be an effective remedy even cancer ... ignore course that consists of keratin, the same substance that hair is made and human fingernails.

To exploit the illegal profit, new extensive criminal networks have spread and act within the protected areas of Africa. They use advanced technological equipment, such as radar, to track rhinos, kill them and remove their own horn. Within 48 hours they manage to carry it from the crime scene in Africa, the black market of Vietnam.

The life that we protect

In October 2011, we conducted a risky enterprise in order to create a new population of black rhinos to a safer environment. Nineteen black rhinos were transported by helicopter, spending less than 10 minutes in the air. The sedated animals awoke straight into a new home that will give them better prospects to reproduce and increase in number.

We also use the latest technology to be able to detect the DNA of the horn from rhinos that have been killed. So later they can verify their origin and be used as evidence in court, to dismantle the criminal networks.(sng tê giác)

In almost all protected areas where rhinos live, live and other valuable plants and animals. Therefore the protection of rhinoceros contributes to the survival of many other species. Rhinos also attract tourists from around the world who come to admire them in their natural environment. Thus creating jobs and economic development opportunities for local communities.

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