Saturday, January 2, 2016

Trading stock options

The claims of some of my readers, I'll teach you everything (binary options trading) I know about how to trade options on stocks in the Bovespa. I have done it already for a number of years and have studied the subject from a practical point of view, since before my real adventures in the market. In essence, I will say here that I do not say in the course of econophysics for lack of time and even fitness. My intent is to show that with a little study, even the options market can be looked at without fear; is clear, however, that trading in the options market, or even in the stock market requires a certain self-awareness of their own emotions and, in the absence of adequate proactive, emotional reactions in different circumstances that only the market can provide. I will not be talking about emotions here in detail, mainly because it depends on each one, but it's important that I warn: only know how we react emotionally when we have our own money, in fact, involved in the market. Thus, it is my advice that mathematics and negotiation strategy are not enough for the beginner can face all the skills spectrum required to succeed as a trader of options.(binary options skype signals
Before you begin to explain what an option in action, it's good talk about actions. One company, for various reasons, acquires new members selling shares. The shareholder, then, is an owner of the company, participating in profits that could possibly result from the company's operations. Depending on the perception by the market players, the future prospects of profit that the company offers at any given time, these agents, negotiating with each other, determine the price of each share. As usually the opinion and the information changes all the time, trades are executed at prices that fluctuate randomly around a momentary average. Even this average, however, varies in time, sometimes establishing a bullish or bearish trend. By periods, too, is common the price be, on average, no trend, "moving sideways" as they say in the market.(best binary options signals)
A market player, at one point, for example, may not have the available capital to purchase a certain number of shares in any company in which you are interested.However, seeing that the price is attractive, decides to buy a call option on the number of shares to the momentary market price. Paying far less than you would pay for the shares, the trader now has the option, within a period of future time, when you have the necessary capital available to invest in the amount of shares that can not afford right now. This example illustrates only one possible reason for the existence of a market for stock options. The options are nothing more than contracts allow, to their holders, the purchase or future sale of a certain number of shares. There are other circumstances where options are important to describe in due course. For now, only is this introduction to the series of posts that will publish as my schedule permits.

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