Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Physical activity

It is undeniable and already known by all people the many benefits that physical activity brings health and general welfare. However, when asked how and why physical exertion can bring so many benefits, we are faced with the lack of real understanding about the fascinating process that occurred in the human body.  (fosfatidilserina)

With regard to the nervous system, the brain and reasoning questions, there are basically three very important aspects to be considered and that are directly influenced by physical exercise.

The first refers to understanding that people have about movements and exercises. They think that exercise only happens in the body, bones, muscles, heart, lungs, etc. Except in the brain. Indeed, the execution of each movement is all the time controlled by the brain. He is responsible for sending stimuli to the muscles to occur the contraction of one, the relaxation of another, and receives as many stimuli that help to control the precision of movements, taking the arm further up or down, for example.

This large amount of stimuli that are arriving and certain (fosfatidilserina) areas of the brain make those cells remain active and working. Thus, movements and physical exercises also maintain brain activity on the rise.

The second aspect refers to the balance in the production of substances such as hormones, for example, what happens in a healthy way when the person is actively and regularly practicing a physical activity. This balance makes the "body of the environment" in a healthy place to live cells.

The circulatory system make up the third aspect directly influenced by physical activity. Individuals who exercise regularly have this efficient system. (alzheimer fases)

Consisting of blood vessels and the heart, the circulatory system is responsible for performing transport of nutrients and oxygen to the body. The regular exercise helps to drive such essential elements for life, keeping all body cells well supplied and very healthy.

With a healthy body environment, a good supply of nutrients and oxygen, and with active brain cells, through the implementation and control of movements of physical activity, we will be easier reasoning and better preservation of the nervous system.(gimnasios)

Such benefits should be much more widespread. Thus, people who already exercise would know of all the good you are doing not only for your body but also for your mind and brain. And at the other end, people today are sedentary still have more reasons for the transformation in the search for a more active life and many more health.

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