Friday, January 29, 2016


In Spain there are many companies that are labor intensive, (Hotels in Macon GA that is, that most of its costs are in this game. In the case of hotels, we can say that staff costs is between 35-40% of total costs.

The labor reform in 2012, the absence of parliamentary ratification and, above all, that clarifies certain aspects jurisprudence, will allow companies to reduce personnel costs through:

Reduced wages, workers who are above agreement.
The lower costs of compensation and dismissal.
Compensation for downsizing will be repaid in a shorter time.
Containing rises agreement. In practice will be 0%.
Saving labor costs (social security) for exemptions and rebates.
We could estimate that reducing personnel costs may be around 20% in three years (at the rate of 7% per year reduction). (Hotels in Macon Georgia)

In addition, hotels should negotiate a lowering of prices with suppliers that are intensive in labor companies , suppliers account for 5% of the budget of hotel expenses such as minibus services, security, maintenance, animation, catering, legal services , consulting ... can reduce this overhead around 14% in three years (at the rate of 5% per year) .

The evolution of a hotel with the following structure of income statement might be:

At first glance, it appears that the 2012 labor reform will be a success, increased productivity, but ...

The bad news

From my point of view, the main problem of Spanish companies is not costs, but sales and borrowing.

We had estimated what will happen with the costs, but what about sales? The labor reform will lead to lower SALES in two ways : (Macon Georgia Hotels)

LOSS OF CONSUMER CONFIDENCE: You will increase uncertainty in workers (wages and stability), resulting in a loss of consumer confidence (as consumers are the workers), which will result in a reduction in domestic consumption (Spanish). If the loss of confidence consumption is reduced, saving who wins? banking as usual.
PRICE LOWERED:  Like climbing wages, increases inflation (prices) at lower wages, lower prices, which will adversely impact sales of companies. It is expected to go into  deflation , something equally or more dangerous to use than inflation.
This drop in sales will affect the entire production chain, both B2B companies (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer), and logically affect more businesses with greater reliance on the domestic market.

Continuing the  Example above the hotel company, assume that:

50% of sales depend on the domestic market.
Because of the loss of purchasing power of domestic consumers, loses 7% of sales in this market, and 3% by declines in prices.
Variable costs, logically decrease as consumption, ie 7% of national consumption, and we assume that 35% of the costs are variable.
The hotel would be the next evolution of results:

Of course, this example is subject to certain assumptions and reality has many nuances that will surely escape, but certainly after this reform, worsening the outlook for companies that depend on the domestic market,  confirming what pointed in December 2009.

To see this more clearly, we will propose the following SCENARIO:  Suppose that all Spaniards working without charging anything, that is free  Would it be good for business? Staff costs would be zero, but nothing sold to the Spaniards , it would only be good for exporters.


1st) The Spanish companies have an added value problem

My main criticism of the 2012 labor reform is that it has the wrong focus. The reform raises the low productivity as the main problem of the labor market in Spain, and in my opinion, the problem is in the Spanish business sector, where there are still many companies that generate little value added, making no work for all .

Clear examples of "low value-added" we have them in two major sectors of the country, construction and tourism. In the first case, we all remember the amount of real estate that was a few years ago, every street there were several value generated so what? Little. Not to mention promotions homes uninhabitable sites, or pharaonic megaconstructions as airports, conference centers and others, worthless. (Hotels in Macon GA)

To prevent further increase in the number of unemployed there are two options, which basically are the same:

a) Replace companies with low added value for other high added value.

b) converting the companies with low added value in companies with high added value.

2nd) We must increase disposable income and consumer confidence

This labor reform, together with the tax (income tax increase) affects millions of Spanish consumers, to which entry is being given a very clear message "Reduce consumption for tomorrow are going to have less disposable income and also you can stay out of work easier " for years and they will check.

Also separate chapter deserves the personal income tax rate increase, because:

In addition to reducing consumer disposable income,
Rates of 56% for the highest income will scare off multinational certain autonomous territories, as managers of these companies do not think they are willing to endure the excessive tax burden (close to that of the Nordic countries).
In short, to create jobs and wealth, we should answer these questions:

- Why hire entrepreneurs?

- Because they sell.

- And why sell?

- Because there consumption.

- Why is no use?

- Because consumers have disposable  (birthday party ) income, credit, trust and products have value.

- How jobs and wealth is generated in a country?

- Increasing disposable income of (event organisers istanbul consumers.

- Increasing consumer(mammoth ivory) confidence.

- Making products or providing services with high (hotels) added value.

- Facilitating the credit reaches companies with high added value.(cheap area rugs)

The reforms that are making have an ideological character, facing μεσοθεραπεια European gallery, but are impractical, honestly, I'd have been disappointed because I expected something more technical and less political.( μεταφορες μετακομισεις  )

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Seven tips to prevent your child hate math

You may have children. Or friends with kids,  (maths blog or family with children. And you would not want to see them traumatized by mathematics. As better safe than sorry, here you can find some ideas for the day. They would be of assistance; They are simple and practical, for all ages. You also have a short video, so they can reach more people, and a collection of useful links.

Video summary (duration 1:45)

For all:
1. Never say "I hate math" (although you did).
Probably you will never say "I hated reading", but unfortunately for math anxiety  is more common . If criticism yourself, be difficult for the child to have a positive attitude towards them. And what is worse, you are giving him an excuse to give up at the first difficulty.Two young women covering her mouth each other (Math tricks)

2. Make him see that you are surrounded by math.
How many minutes are left to enter the school? Why spiders waiting in the center of your fabric? Why the fruit bowl and stacked oranges ? Why wind turbines have three blades ? Show him no math in their everyday and everywhere ... namely acostúmbrale see.Spider waiting at the center of her web

3. Try to think every day is a problem.
If you try to spend some time each day to read , why you not do the same with mathematics? You can be inspired by Bedtime Math , which proposes a mathematical problem every day, or one of the many blogs that propose activities for Children or to Primary .Woman helping a child to solve a puzzle

4. Encourage your child not to give up when you get stuck. (maths blog)
Everyone ever falls when learning to ride a bicycle. But no one stops trying for it and, sooner or later, so just getting there. Stay at his side , trying to pedal alone and  help him when needed .Father encouraging your daughter before she begins to walk alone on a bicycle

5. Promotes follow a method to know and use their creativity.
The math does not consist only of following a recipe . As in the kitchen, you have to know how to do , but also good food experience and get results. Harnessing creativity can be as necessary as teaching follow instructions.Path sign indicating three different directions

6. Teach problem solving.
Dale  tools to solve problems : First, I understand and become familiar with it. Second, search strategies and develop a plan. Third, choose a strategy and implement it. Finally, learn from the successes and mistakes.Map of metro line with stops calls Error (Math tricks)

7. Convey the importance and usefulness of mathematics in history.
Sure you know a lot of painters, writers or musicians who have left their mark. And a mathematician? You can use an important date to speak of  mathematicians who were born or died on that day , pull the  list of leading mathematicians from Wikipedia  or refer  women with science .Grace Hopper at the checkpoint of the UNIVAC I computer

Remember you can follow us on Twitter , on  Facebook , on YouTube and  Google + .
Note 1: This entry has been included by the Government of Andalusia in its School of families .

Note 2: This entry could vote at Reddit . Thank you!

Note 3: This entry has come to  Olympus in Divoblogger . Thank you! (math puzzles)

Note 4:  This entry is involved in  Edition 5.6: Paul Erdos  's  Math Carnival , hosted this blog .

To know more:
As there are people who know more than me about mathematics education, the tips above are a selection and adaptation of some of those seeking information I could find on the subject. Maybe you have other ideas, you can bring in the comments.

Many of these tips (if not all) are extensible to other sciences. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find information in Spanish ... and much of which there are versions in Spanish of materials from the United States. One is Helping Your Child Learn Mathematics , which includes activities and can also be downloaded as pdf book .

Another interesting material are the  Tips for Parents: Mathematics of The Learning Community. And in the Spanish version of BabyCenter you can read the article How to get your child loves math .

More focused on solving problems are  how to teach children to solve math problems , the Guidance Department at St. Vincent College Paul Gijon (includes many links), and  Workshop math problems Elementary , Guidance Andujar.

To finish materials in Spanish, you might be interested the textbook for first grade you just prepared my partner Pedro Ramos.

And in English, I recommend the Maths tips schoolatoz  (a department of the government of New South Wales ) and Article  How to get children to embrace maths reluctant  to

All used images are licensed Creative Commons .

The image of two girls covering her mouth each other is Anaïs, on Flickr . The image of a father supporting his daughter before they start riding a bike is one of Robin Skibo-Birney in Flickr . The image of the spider web is of Ruth Wilkinson, on Flickr . The image signal is indicating various paths hockadilly on Flickr . Error image of a line on a map of metro stops all calls is Nick Webb, on Flickr . The image of a woman solving a puzzle with a child is Mitch in Flickr . The image of Grace Hopper  in the control station computer UNIVAC I is Chris Monk, on Flickr . (fosfatidilserina)

In the video, the numbers are horse50 in openclipart . ( conference organisers istanbul )The image of the serpent is artbejo in openclipart . Toad image is TheresaKnott in openclipart . The image of the open book of egore911 in openclipart . The image of Königsberg bridge itself is an adaptation of that of  Bogdan Giusca in Wikimedia Commons . The image Fourier  is Eusebius, in Wikimedia Commons . The image of mathematical symbols and numbers is Averater in Wikimedia Commons . The image is colored symbols Riba in Wikimedia Commons .

how create it

Julius Caesar also established January 1 as the first day  (maths blog)  of the consular year, although for a long time on March 25 continued to be considered the day of the new year. In fact, until well into the eighteenth century on 25 March was considered the first day of the legal year in England and the American colonies. After the assassination of Julius Caesar one year after the introduction of the Julian calendar, a misinterpretation of the rule of leap years did that for a time was considered one of every three leap years. Augusto corrected the error omitting the February 29 leap for three consecutive years and resetting it in year 8 d. C. The Roman Senate renamed the Sextilis per month to honor the Emperor Augustus.

Another aspect of this calendar was originally in February was 29 days and 30 normal leap years. But it is having been the month of the ancient calendar Sextilis Quintilis and renamed July and August, in honor of Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar respectively, it was decided that the month of August was 31 days instead of the 30 originally had Sextilis. For this he took off one day to February. For the Senate was very important that Caesar Augustus was not considered inferior to Julius Caesar so "their month," must have the same number of days that "the month of Julius Caesar." Another curious fact is the nomenclature of the leap year. The leap year was introduced in the Julian calendar, which added a day every four years in February, sandwiching it between 23 and 24. The Romans called the February 23, "Martti sixth calends", ie, the sixth day before March, formerly known as the first month of the year. When copying Egyptian setting an extra day every four years, they had to repeat on the last day of the year, one more day. Recall that in February was the last month and so repeated his 23th, which was the last day. The "sixth calends", so that the years ("bis" in Latin) was repeated that day were called "sextilis bis", which finally gave the name of "leap".  (Math tricks)

The Julian calendar had accumulated a delay of 11 minutes and 14 seconds per year, leading to an error of one day every 128 years. At the Council of Nicea in 325 had set March 21 as the date for the beginning of spring, but in the thirteenth century and beginning of spring on March 11. This affected the celebration of Easter, which marks the beginning of the liturgical year, so that the Church was concerned to fill this gap. Pope Gregory XIII entrusted the reform of the Julian calendar to the Veronese physician Luigi Lilio Ghiraldi, which had the invaluable help of the astronomer and mathematician Christopher Clavius.

For spring start again on 21 March, it had to be terminated ten days of delay accumulated along the first millennium. The Gregorian calendar came into effect on Thursday, October 4, 1582, although it was decreed that the next day was Friday ... October 15! It is said that Santa Teresa spent ten days without being buried, but actually only spent about ten hours between his death and his burial because he died just the October 4, 1582. (maths blog)

The Gregorian calendar was adopted immediately in Spain, Italy and Portugal, and was incorporated very slowly in other nations. Thus, England and the American colonies were adapted to the new calendar until September 3, 1752, so it had to suppress eleven days instead of ten. (While the Book Day is celebrated on April 23 to commemorate the deaths of Shakespeare and Cervantes, the truth is that Shakespeare died ten days later than Cervantes.) Sweden adopted the Gregorian calendar shortly afterwards (1753). Japan did in 1873, and Egypt in 1875. China in 1912, Turkey in 1917, Greece in 1923 and Russia, after a first attempt in 1918, officially adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1940. The last country to adopt it was South Korea, it formalized in 1962.

The new calendar, changed the rule for leap years, eliminating three calendar days of every four years. The rule is: each year that is evenly divisible by 4 is a leap year, except for the years that are exactly divisible by 100 are leap years only if they are evenly divisible by 400. If we apply these rules to the days before the Gregorian reform, the year 0 (1 BC) is considered to be exactly divisible by 4, 100 and 400; therefore, it is a leap year.

The Gregorian calendar is thus based on a cycle of 400 years, comprising 146,097 days. (97 years 366 days 303 years 365 days) 146 097 As is divisible by 7, the civil Gregorian calendar repeats itself exactly after 400 years. 146097 division by 400 an average of 365.2425 days per calendar year is obtained, which is a good approximation to the length of the tropical year, only an error of one day about 2500 years accumulates. Within each year, dates are specified according to the count of days from the beginning of the month. The order of the months and the number of days per month were taken from the Julian calendar.(math puzzles)

Zeller algorithm

Let us now build a function that determines the day of the week for any date in the Gregorian calendar. Assign a number to each day, so we have:
Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, Wednesday = 3 = 4 Thursday, Friday & Saturday = 5 = 6
Since the month varying between leap years is common and February, we will consider this as the last month of the year, like the Romans, so our "initial year" will begin in March.

Be a ( to between zero and six) on the day of the week of March 1, 0000, then on 1 March 0002 will be a  + 1, since they have spent 365 = 52 * 7 + 1 days, ie 52 weeks and one day. So on 1 March 0003 will be a  + 3, and March 1, 0004 will be a  + 4 + 1, because this is a leap year and has one more day. Therefore each passing year to increase to 1 and if the year is a leap year increased by 2. So, if you spend x years, we will add  x  and tell once again the leap years, which are [ x / 4] - [ x / 100] + [ x / 400] (where [...] denotes the integer part) and to module 7, ie taking the rest to divide by seven.

Considering the year 2014, the number of leap years in these 2014 years are [2014/4] - [2014/100] + [2014/400] = 503 -20 + 5 = 488 and therefore considering the March 1 2014 was Saturday (= 6), we have the equality:
6 = a + 2014 + 488 mod 7
6 = a + 2502 mod 7
a = -2496 mod7
a = 3 mod 7

On March 1 of the year was 0 Wednesday !!!

You can check it out on this page where you'll find several drives of different calendars. From Wednesday, we can determine the day of the first day of March in any year,  and,  by the formula:

March 1 of the year and = (3 + y + [y / 4] - [y / 100] + [y / 400]) mod 7

Consider now the month of March 0000, knowing that the 1st was on Wednesday (= 3), we can determine any day of the month simply by adding 2 to the month and make module 7, for example on March 10 0000 = (2 + 10) mod 7 = 5 = Friday Likewise we can calculate the day of the first day of April, no more than adding 2 + 32 and to module 7 and get that 1 April 0000 = 6 = Saturday and as of April 1 is Saturday (= 6), by the same reasoning as before, we get the day any day of April 5 to adding the month and 7. module by the coefficients of each month, is thus set j (m) , where:

j (March) = 2
j (April) = 5
j (May) = 0
j (June) = 3
j (July) = 5
j (August) = 1
j (September) = 4
j (October) = 6
j (November) = 2
j (December) = 4
j (January) = 0
j (February) = 3

And we got to the congruence of Zeller for which you can calculate any day of the week given the date d / m / and  (math puzzles)

day = ( d  + j ( m ) + g ( and )) mod 7

With g ( and ) = and  + [ and / 4] - [ and / 100] + [ and / 400] and considering January and February months of the year before and . For example, to calculate the next Day of the Three Kings 2015, consider d = 6, m = y = 2014 Jan but considering penultimate month of January as 2014, obtaining: day = 6 + 0 + 2502 mod 7 = 2 = Tuesday

The funny thing is that these coefficients, j ( m ) verify the formula j ( m ) = [31 * m / 12] mod 7 , although Zeller uses a factor of 26/10, equivalent to 30.6 days a month, maybe more simple to work. I would like to 367/12 = 28 + 31/12 = 30.583 days per month, could be considered logical. For students it is easy to implement the algorithm in Scratch, where we avoid the difficulty of a formal programming language.(Birthday party services)

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Should we leave Facebook to save your relationship?

This is what we have just done my brother and his girlfriend. He explains that introduces too much confusion in your relationship plus people getting into their personal lives. No wonder because he and I have had several conversions on the subject. Nor wonder you feel freed for wiping their profiles (auque cast them less).  (obsession phrases examples)

Lately dospuntoceristas held every news about the success and growing importance of social networks. And this is a way of communicating-powerful that changes our lives. But this change is entirely for the better?

I'm afraid not. Apart from the being in touch with all your ex through Facebook, there are other threats to the peace of couples and unknown people hanging flirtatious comments to a completely misleading. We can be the safest in the world of our own people, but having a famous couple on the social networks with all the friends, followers, etc. It is a litmus test. And the other side of the coquettish suportar contact your partner commentators are toxic in some cases includes threats to his life. (what are some obsession phrases)

It is not healthy to know every move your partner through Twitter, Facebook, etc. 10 years ago you went to work and the other to his and save an e-mail or call we were not on top of every detail. Despite much believe in the importance of communication between couples, I think those levels of information leave us open to further confusion and misunderstandings and then more discussions. Statistics show that social networks are causing divorces Okay, social networks are not the cause but the people-but I think we need intimate spaces in our lives that are free of the examination of others. Besides destroying intimacy feels terrible learn something from your partner through social networks.

And finally, the weather. How long are we losing our lives 2.0 cost of our real lives? Yesterday, a client told me very sincerely that they know nothing of life 2.0 are very lucky. I think it is worth reflecting on the amount of time we spend in those channels and if we could use better-like shape at all, we must find balance.(obsession phrases review)

I enjoy my online social life but also have to recognize that it has also caused me much pain. My dilemma remains how to handle and still enjoy the professional advantages offered me. I like some excellent ideas blog Zen Habits and I experiment until you get a formula and makes me feel comfortable.

Clarity and honesty

Clarity and honesty

According to a study by psychologists at the University of Kansas , the "open confrontation" is the least stressful way to end a relationship.(Language of lust review

Clearly tell the other person that the relationship has come to an end, although it sounds like something very negative, is the best choice, because the message is more easily internalized by the other person, because of its clarity and sincerity.

First of all, when you trasmitas your intention to end their relationship, you should be very clear / ay sincere / a on your desires, expressing yourself with respect, without reproach, without blaming yourself or the other person for the break.

At the same time, there must be firm (the respect principle reviews in your words and you should back by feelings of guilt or compassion. Surely someone will be angry or be sad lot, and must be prepared / a for these reactions.

You can empathize with the feelings that you are causing on the other person, but do not apologize for the decision you have taken.

Either you give hopes the separation will be alone for a while, if not really think so.

Avoid enumerate a long list of reasons why you think the relationship should end. Just go to the point, say the general reason that you think that both have come to this situation where they can no longer continue to be a couple, and that's it.

And please do not use phrases made. These are never sincere, because they can not reflect the specific situation of each, so do not say things like "it's not you, it's me" or "surely find someone special" or "maybe we can be friends."  (the language of lust)

That only make things worse, they will not be honest words.

6-Stay calm

It is likely that the other person reacts very angry or showing anger or deep sadness. It is possible that during the meeting, these emotions alternate.

You must be prepared to hear screams, sobs and reproaches. Stay calm, try to look at the situation as if you were the same and others stay tuned / a to the reactions of the other person.

Stay calm / a will help to control the situation and end the last match they will have as partner at the right time and in the best way possible.(how to be irresistible to a man)

For example, if your ex is angry / ay begins to make a fuss, you say "no sense to shout, the decision has been made and will not change, but we can talk about it if you calm down."

But obviously, to deal with such situations, you should be calm yourself / a.

7-Assume your share of responsibility

Do not try to blame the other person for the failure of the two as a couple. In a break, both have responsibilities, always.

Although express yourself clearly why you made the decision not to continue the relationship, the responsibility will be of the two and on the other hand, are also fully responsible for the decision you have made.

Having this clear also help not feeling guilty and maintain a state of calm that lets you control the situation.(how to be irresistible to a man)

8-not back

Surely you've ever heard someone who was apparently "decided / a" to let your boyfriend or girlfriend, but after the meeting where it was assumed that everything would end, is that both still together, despite not looking very happy .

This can happen if those who want to end the relationship are defeated by the feelings of compassion or pity toward the other person. Guilt can also play tricks in this regard.

Therefore, it is important to be very sure about the decision and then not go back, but feel sorry for the other person or to a relationship that maybe at some point thought it would be for the rest of your life.

If you had already thought out and you had made ??a decision, do not let pity only prolong a situation that brings unhappiness and dissatisfaction. You must continue your plan, end this relationship and begin to forget to start a new stage. (language of lust download)

A break with someone dear

A break with someone dear is undoubtedly one of the most stressful, exhausting and moving from the emotional standpoint situations. (the language of desire examples)

However, it is often preferable that the relationship is over, especially if it is toxic, rather than continue with a life of unhappiness and dissatisfaction, full of endless arguments and conflicts.

Knowing how to end a long relationship, without hurting and without serious errors, allow you can handle the situation and make the process more llevaderoo.

It is not easy to decide separation and notify the other person, but if you find yourself in this situation, these 10 steps can be a very useful guide to address the problem. (lovetraction lines reviews)

how to end a relationship

1-You must be sure of your decision

Before deciding something as important as the end of a relationship, you have to meditate deeply.

All couples go through stages of crisis, and some may emerge strengthened from such steps. Considers dialogue with your partner about the conflicts that arise , trying to find a solution.

When you do, talks about how you feel about this or that event or situation, rather than talk about the facts themselves. Try to hear what the other person has to say without thinking about what you will answer while you're listening. Try to put yourself in the place of someone else.(the language of desire)

Sometimes couples therapy can help improve communication and overcome conflicts.

Try to identify what you want in a partner and think if you could really find that you want in your current partner / a.

Note that always ends up falling in love and when that happens, you start to see the other person's flaws and problems appear, but after this stage may also arise a deep and mature love.

You should not take the decision to end a relationship when you feel angry / a. It should be a decision thought for a while, without being dominated by emotions such as anger or rancor.

Finally, if you've thought, if they have exhausted the resources to save the couple and the problems continue, if you're really determined / aa put an end to the relationship, then there is nothing more to think about, except in a suitable plan for everything to end in the best way possible, but no doubt there will be sadness and pain on both sides. (lovetraction lines)

2-Do not destroy the relationship before ending

Accentuate the conflicts and discussions more excuses trying to end the relationship with your current partner or even trying it the other person who decides to end is not a good idea.

Jealousy, complaints and blame surely lead to the end of the relationship, but it will be an unnecessarily painful way. You should not attempt to take responsibility or blame on your partner trying to cover your own.

Many relationships end after a long road of agony. After this slow erosion, suddenly one of the partners realizes how unhappy you feel. Behind this general situation there are many oversights, disrespect, arguments and reproaches, which were giving over time and eventually destroy the relationship.

Do not prolong the agony. If you really want to end this situation, then it is definitely time to end.

Personally and privately three-Talk (language of desire phrases)

Without any doubt, it would be an act of cowardice leave a person by phone, or worse, by text message, especially if it was a serious relationship some time.

You'll have to tell him personally (unless it issues a backlash from the other person) and in a suitable place. It is an ordeal undoubtedly a very uncomfortable situation, but the only decent way to do it.

It is not a good idea to be at home either, because it could mount an unpleasant scene.

The best would be a public place, but not too busy. If you go to a restaurant or cafe, for example, and the other person reacts badly (which is expected), you may also wish to forget a scene that is mounted.

A good place might be, for example, a site somewhat apart in a park or a square.

4-Schedule details

Improvising in this type of situation is not good idea. Plan the place where you say and even the time.

If you tell in the morning, both feel bad all day. They may have to go to work or study then, and emotions will not allow them to properly perform these activities. Maybe it's better to tell afternoon, after leaving work.

Friday or Saturday can be a good choice, since both have a whole weekend to begin accepting the new situation and to process the corresponding match.

Try to not be on a special date, as traditional parties, a birthday or Valentine's Day. And of course, do not tell in a place that has meant something important for the couple, as the place of the first kiss or something similar. (lovetraction lines)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Neverending story

The drama, tragedy, despair, horror ... is to study Medicine. Only three themes: urinary tract, cardiovascular and hematology; 26 hours of classes, 52 hours to pass the confused lecture notes for the uninformative slides provided by teachers; 156 hours playing the hieroglyphs of the syllabus in trying to understand the pathophysiology and mechanisms that lead to disease. That's how you study medicine. But it's not how you pass the exam.(fosfatidilserina)

 Everyone knows that to pass this glorious discipline is not necessary to perceive, understand, internalize, explain, relate. Based on lists previously contruídas by older students and added (always added) some uninteresting information but essential to pass, the study acenta in decorating the endless lists. Decorate for me is a difficult task given the limited capacity that I have to armazernar information. I suspect that my brain is smaller than normal. I came to this conclusion after imitate each gadalhudos rockers who saw shaking the helmet. (fosfatidilserina)

After two laps on the head (such EICA Toppinen) was incredibly dizzy, confused, shuffled and sick over a period of time that seemed long but I can not need. How do they do it? I only have two explanations: either they are so drugged that does not make them run difference incessantly head or my brain, being Pequeñito, rattling against the walls of the skull when the foolish go round. So explain the immense difficulty I have to study Medicine:. Reduced brain and moreover directed towards abstract functions and impractical as the imagination and temporo-space travel in a personal world As always, and with good will, start my reading study material provided by the teachers. Urinary tract: long, tiring, understandable; study materials are the slides of classes and articles that the teacher is proud to have written ten years ago.(gimnasios)

 I never just matter and I can no longer hear about pee. I refuse to go to the bathroom just not to think about the filtering processes, renal excretion and reabsorption chasing me. Cardiovascular system: there is only slides of the classes; I have no notes because I did not go to school. Step ahead - I'm not much good mood and feel a growing desire to commit a violent crime. Hematology: I look back because I gave up going to these classes. The notes could be in another language was the same for me. Today I doubt if the slide drugs list # 7 corresponds to therapy or are drugs that we should not use. 

At this stage despair settles and disbelief of the situation with a feeling of extracorporeal experience leads me to say ugly things, profanity, pure madness moments with demented. Laughter medicine. It is dangerous study alone. Never study medicine alone ... the suicide rate is alarmingly high (I dare not say) and the percentage of students who are admitted to psychiatric asylums is around 86.3%. Study in a library with my companions on this demand, this epic, this crusade ... (fosfatidilserina)

It's not because we disheveled in the library of the Faculty of Arts that acanhamos us to externalize our indignation: - What is this shit @? - Screams against a set of slides idiots with no text, only dots and stars. - But gave him for artistic vein Given that this my friend, named Susy, Overtakes anything resembling figures, diagrams, algorithms and tables, not admired me explode with rage face of said slide . I personally lost time to paint red polka dots, yellow stars, unidentified forms of blue ... - he needed was a visit to colonocytes! I laughed and Chiquilin; we know it's true. But we cry ... despair is very ... the library will close in two hours and we still do not understand the essentials of Hematology. We face two diseases, similar though different in a greasy with an average of 5 words per slide. The slides, whose titles were either IMHA now AIHA, alternated between the two diseases without logical sequence. Initially I thought the odd slides corresponded to an illness and the couple to another; after all not. Applied the Fibonacci sequence, but it was not the key. The Susy not realized this fact, which helped to make it more disheveled, red, eyes increasingly murderers ... - (alzheimer fases)

You know ... Susy - timidly said - there are two diseases ... that's why we paint the slide color pink disease and other orange ... She cried a little and then began to paint ... - it seems to be primary and not know anything ... His problem is we do not have kids ... Sucker ... - become depressed a little longer together. - Attempt number 4 - himself together, giving us a bit of hope that the end of the tunnel had an opening and that the reason why we did not see any light was not because the tunnel was endless ... In an attempt to understand The slide started reading articles written also by the teacher. We were unsure if they were written in Portuguese; we can identify a few words but most seemed to be in a language not official yet, probably only accessible to an elite from which we will never part. We wish to have a sub-aortic stenosis and suffer a sudden death without warning signs. - Man, this can only be kidding! - We said constantly. I begin to suspect that we are a Japanese reallity-show and that people are laughing at full strength with our suffering. Reading this true dementia proof continue lunáticamente convinced that the reader does not understand the terrible suffering of a medical student Veterinary. But I have proof: some get even with chronic renal failure to study this chair. My friend Chiquilin ... poor girl already had typical signs of this potentially fatal disease:. Anorexia, weight loss, depression, lethargy, hypothermia culminating in encephalopathy At the Veterinary Medicine Course dedicate the next, inpirado a great artist of the twentieth century:

Physical activity

It is undeniable and already known by all people the many benefits that physical activity brings health and general welfare. However, when asked how and why physical exertion can bring so many benefits, we are faced with the lack of real understanding about the fascinating process that occurred in the human body.  (fosfatidilserina)

With regard to the nervous system, the brain and reasoning questions, there are basically three very important aspects to be considered and that are directly influenced by physical exercise.

The first refers to understanding that people have about movements and exercises. They think that exercise only happens in the body, bones, muscles, heart, lungs, etc. Except in the brain. Indeed, the execution of each movement is all the time controlled by the brain. He is responsible for sending stimuli to the muscles to occur the contraction of one, the relaxation of another, and receives as many stimuli that help to control the precision of movements, taking the arm further up or down, for example.

This large amount of stimuli that are arriving and certain (fosfatidilserina) areas of the brain make those cells remain active and working. Thus, movements and physical exercises also maintain brain activity on the rise.

The second aspect refers to the balance in the production of substances such as hormones, for example, what happens in a healthy way when the person is actively and regularly practicing a physical activity. This balance makes the "body of the environment" in a healthy place to live cells.

The circulatory system make up the third aspect directly influenced by physical activity. Individuals who exercise regularly have this efficient system. (alzheimer fases)

Consisting of blood vessels and the heart, the circulatory system is responsible for performing transport of nutrients and oxygen to the body. The regular exercise helps to drive such essential elements for life, keeping all body cells well supplied and very healthy.

With a healthy body environment, a good supply of nutrients and oxygen, and with active brain cells, through the implementation and control of movements of physical activity, we will be easier reasoning and better preservation of the nervous system.(gimnasios)

Such benefits should be much more widespread. Thus, people who already exercise would know of all the good you are doing not only for your body but also for your mind and brain. And at the other end, people today are sedentary still have more reasons for the transformation in the search for a more active life and many more health.

Saturday, January 9, 2016


A shoddy work is synonymous with fight? In everyday life, many people show discontent with the work of plumbers, electricians, and entry workers of all trades, but what happens when this leads to a fight?In the proceedings "FFA c / KCA s / damages", the members of the E Division of the National Chamber of Civil Appeals, consisting of Juan Carlos Dupuis, Mario Calatayud and Fernando Cluster, condemnation actor included, for a case of this kind, the dismissal of the petition of self-defense. (Owings Mills Plumbing
The judges showed that as stated in the evidence of the cause, was defending not powered. He complained about the installation of a pressurizing pump, and while trying to retain the worker in the home, two guards of the country in which they were present.
In addition to the lack of injuries or traces of the alleged struggle that introduced the defendant, the judges determined that the injuries suffered by the plaintiff should receive compensation of 8,800 pesos in lost profits and consequential damages.
In his Opinion, Judge Calatayud outlined that "even if all violation of a right must be repaired or avoided through state intervention, can circumstances so unexpected and sudden attack requiring immediate action itself threatened or occur third. This is what happens in self-defense. "
The judge noted that "our Civil Code contains no provision which provides for self-defense as a defense to liability, while section 2470 provides: 'The fact of possession gives the right to protect itself in possession, and repulse force with the use of sufficient force, in cases where the aid of justice would be too late; and it was deprived of proper authority can recover it without time, provided it does not exceed the limits of self-defense. It is the defense of extrajudicial possession. '"
Following the appointment, the maid outlined that "the criminal protection is contained in Article 34, paragraph 6 of the Criminal Code" are not punishable (...) which obrase in own or their rights defense, provided that concur the following circumstances: unlawful violence; rational necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel; lack of sufficient provocation on the part of defending herself. '"  (garbage disposal installation)
"Therefore, it has been argued that being expressly authorized self-defense as a means of defending private ownership, is sufficient justification for applying the standard of the Criminal Code transcribed.For it must meet the following conditions: that is illegitimate, unjust aggression; This attack, that is started and not finished; rational necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel aggression, that is proportionate to the seriousness of it; and there should be no provocation on the part of those who are defending, "he added the voice.
The member of the Chamber said that "the defense must be rational in terms of their need and the same means used, resulting in critical danger the subjective estimate is believed to be exposed or thought which advocates". (plumbing contractor)
The member of the Chamber entered the analysis of the particular case saying: "In this vein, to refer the defendant appellant, contrary to what is claimed by the lower court, unlawful violence that have taken place from the beginning by the actor the unlawful act of remaining in the house, and upon being thus prevented the brawl begin with struggles to continue entering the farm, I share the analysis made by the Judge of the previous instance in the sense that it showed K. invoked the cause of justification. " (sump pumps)
That is so, "since, as is clear from the evidence in the case, F. was in the house operated to perform the task of relocating the pump to the subsequent repair of the same," said the sentencing.
"After completing the installation remained in the house for the sole purpose of claiming retirement security record that the defendant had signed him two days ago and informed him that K. had lost. Nor was the defendant hit rational actor being present at the site, with the aim of ending the conflict, two country's security, "he said Calatayud. (plumber in Owings Mills)

Friday, January 8, 2016

Google launches music streaming service

At an event in Berlin, the search engine giant Google presented yesterday before his music flatrate Google Play Music All Access Incusive

Berlin, 06.12.2013 - With Spotify, Deezer, Napster, (video streamingSimfy or Wimp already cavort some providers for music streaming. These services promise access to millions of songs for a monthly fee. Internet giant Google sees obviously still potential and starts with Play Music All Inclusvie another music package. It is available today in Germany. 20 million songs, a radio station that plays music for customization (encrypted video streaming) and mobile access from Android and iOS devices to lure music fans.All-inclusive can be tested for 30 days starting today. Early bookers offers daskalifornische companies until 15 January 2014, a flat rate of 7.99 euros per month.After that, the service costs 9.99 euros per month - compared with other offers. All-Inclusive can always try free for 30 days.(cloud video encryption)
Picture: Sarah Pike, Product Manager Google Play Music, at the press conference in Berlin.