Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What nobody told you about weight loss

In this article you will discover what keeps your weight loss, what difficulties you will face and how to be prepared (a) to face this journey.(Fat Diminisher Review)
A large part of the population is at least overweight is a problem that we see in our daily life and we all know it is not easy to solve because if it did, there would not be this problem. What no one wants to accept is that the single biggest obstacle to weight loss is you. Therefore, it depends on your will power and not everyone is willing to go through all the difficulties involving weight loss.
Let a few questions:
You want to lose weight?
I imagine that if this article caught your attention you are part of most Brazilian overweight and so your answer will be yes. (review of fat diminisher pdf)
What or who prevents you from losing weight?
The answer as I said above is YOU. If you do not have a disease that makes you gain weight, you're the only thing in your way keeping you from having the body you always dreamed of.
Do not sabotage.  Your biggest enemy is you.
Do not sabotage. Your biggest enemy is you.

I say this because I see every day, people make excuses really plausible prepared for them so they do not feel so bad about not having started or continued with that diet or giving up the academy. The excuses are many: I have no time to gym (read the article: "Know why you do not have time for physical activity"), I do not eat a lot and do not know why fattening, I'll start on Monday, have no one to do business with me, people are looking at me in the gym and so on.(reviews of fat diminisher system)

I mean, these various excuses hide people lazy and shaped.
It has a very phrase said out there on social media but which defines very well the weight loss.
"The world does not change who you are changes."
Every day of the week are days of getting physical activity, so if you're going to start, start now, start today and do not expect to get to Monday.
Who has the need to lose weight are you so if you have no friends or family to do physical activity with you, start alone in the gym, a square or other place where you will practice physical activity is very likely that you go meet someone who lives near you or who attends the same training place that will see you in the activities.(fat diminisher system pdf download)
 People will look at you wherever you go, on the bus when you get people look at you in a restaurant, in a classroom, so overcome that excuse and make people look you in awe of your determination to lose weight.
You'll have to find time to look after you and your health ever, for better or worse, there is nothing more mathematical than weight loss, if you do not eat much, unless you have a disease, you I will not get fat.
The mathematics behind this is as follows:
For example, if you eat 1900 calories a day and your body expends 1,800 calories a day to keep it running and you burned over  600 calories in physical activity, you will have a deficit of 500 calories a day, which at the end of a week will give a deficit of 3500 calories and therefore it will mean 500 grams less on your balance. So eat less, spend more and you certainly will lose weight.
Here are some things that will happen during your journey of weight loss.

You will want to stop the next day

This is very common and I want everyone one day has passed so some give up even the next day and others move on, all change is difficult and losing weight requires a radical change in our habits ingrained since we were babies. In the first week, all you will feel is hunger, a desire to eat anything, the walls of your home. That's because you'll have to reduce portions so that your stomach is distended used to lots of food will need to reacostumar the new amounts. But do not worry the stomach is a muscle and it decreases when subjected to reduced quantities. So stand firm in the first week, this enormous hunger will pass and next week you will already be a little more used (a) to new amounts.

The road is long but you will be rewarded in the end.
The road is long but you will be rewarded in the end.
You will feel a lot of pain in your body after the first day of training

When you have a machine of any kind and you leave it in a corner unused for years, one day you elect to use this machine, is thought to be at least rusty, will make much noise, you will need oil and time to work in full swing, so also is the body, muscles and joints. Your body does not move for years or never moved and so need a few weeks to adapt so do not stop doing business because of the pain, if you stop going to start the whole cycle of pain and never gain the strength your body need, besides the pains that accompany you always increase the intensity, increase the weights or change activities program. So get over and get used to believe it's for your own good.
Will have to give up much food you like, especially food unhealthy

Whenever it comes to diet, refer to restriction and there is no way to be different, currently the most correct term to use is nutritional education, given that diets are restrictive eating plans and made ​​for a period of time, since the re-education food is for life, it gives you choices and options. You can eat a slice of chocolate cake? Of course it can, but will have to eat less the rest of the day and very upright, or will have to train a little harder to burn the calories that slice. Therefore, the nutritional education gives you choices, you will first re-educate your mind and then your body. In my weight loss (if you do not know my story  click here) I had to give up many things and to tell you the truth I was not really into doing it early so I slowly and gradually first I took the soda, then took the sugar, flour, decrease the portions and increased the amount of meals in the day. This change made ​​me not feel so hungry it ate 5 times a day for 3 in 3 hours and did not give me time to feel hungry. So even if you're not willing to give up everything, do gradually and you'll see really worth it.
You'll have to hear people asking if you're slimmer because they're sick(Fat Diminisher Review)

Everything we do in life is guarded 24 hours by the people around us. People are not satisfied ever with nothing, so no matter what you do they will never be satisfied if you fat will say you are too fat (a) and if you lose weight will tell you that you're too skinny. So let speak, do it for you, for your health and wellness.
You will lose all your clothes

It may sound silly when you have only 2kgs to lose but when you have from 5 kgs to lose, the clothes will be loose and you need to change them if you have more than that to lose suggest you buy a few pieces to celebrate every 5-10 kgs lost but wait until its transformation reach the end to change your wardrobe or risk seeing their newly bought clothes too loose to use them.
You will have to learn to say no

The weight loss world is made ​​of temptations, is when you live alone and do not open the refrigerator when you go out with your friends or when you are in someone's home. All will offer you something (always very caloric) to eat because you are too thin (a), and you feel like throwing everything for something for that something delicious offered, but you should say no to temptation not just for the sake of your loss weight, but also a way to strengthen to show for yourself, that there is life after a rejected crisp. So get used you will need to exercise their negative in this process, because killing to train and depriving of eat a lot you like to eat, I will not change this effort by a slice of pie right?
You will need to have a balanced diet

Who wont have to worry if your dish has the right proportion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats? Hardly anyone, right? Because I'm afraid that this should be considered by you now. Of course if a (a) nutritionist, something I recommend everyone to do this work will be up to him, put together a balanced menu taking into account its purpose and its peculiarities. And if that food you do not like for example: sweet potato, oats or eggplant, has many nutrients you need, you will consider eating them anyway. So you will see food differently.
Will have to do blood tests more often

In all dietary change laboratory monitoring is necessary because you will need to track their rates of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and even iron. To find out if you have not fed correctly and how your body has reacted to change. Blood tests every 3 months are recommended.
You'll have to sleep better

As we have seen in Article Insomnia - as it can ruin your muscle gain. Sleep deprivation directly affects weight loss and muscle gains, so see how many hours of sleeps satisfy your body and get to work to make it the amount of hours you sleep each day, and improve your earnings, you will see improvements in your skin, humor and even on their productivity. Sleep more and stay lean!
You'll have to read a lot about healthy eating, nutrition and physical activity

If you are reading this article until the end that means you already started doing this. Good sign, is on track, there is nothing more effective than to know the functioning of your body the nutrition of food and what workouts are most effective, the latter had a recent article here on the site called "Aerobic Exercises: Know which They are the most effective . "
If you liked the article or have a topic you want to see here, leave a comment, so I'll know if you are like it or if I need to change something. Share with people who are in need of help to lose weight.

Stay focused, strength and faith always!

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