Sunday, December 20, 2015

Love Drugs

At first glance, the proposal is a horror . A fright. (instant erection pillsUnthinkable. But if you remember that time, that last time, where the heart you broke into a thousand pezados, the issue appears to have another color. How? What time is this? That time that he, your boyfriend , life seemed to offer every kiss. And one day, the very next day buy violets sheets to go live with him, you confessed that he had fallen out of love . San And it's over.

Thinking in cases like yours , a group of scientists proposed the use of drugs that mimic the infatuation and would achieve and maintain happy couples together for many more years. Brian Earp , the engine of the idea, explained that in ancient times the enamoriamento arose between two people for survival reasons . The longer it lasts in love, parents had more time to breed and raise more children.(quick erection pills)


At the head of the scientific no ability to understand romance or arrows. The problem of modern relationships , the theory of Earp is quite pragmatic. "To live, we do not reproduce until death. So the question of survival is complicated, paradoxically. Because staying with friends is no longer necessary for survival and, therefore, love or that we think is called love, loses importance , " he says.

The ethicist Brian Earp and his colleagues (how to get harder erections) Anders Sandberg and Julian Savulescu of Oxford University  explains: " For example, if a person in a relationship suffers from depression, tends to take your partner to feel bad too, so a chemical intervention (anti-depressant) helps them both. Love drugs would work the same way, but instead of general happiness, people feel love ".

The drug of love could also be used to strengthen relations between apathetic mothers and their children , for example in the University of Zurich have discovered that a nasal spray of oxytocin , known as the hormone that promotes bonding between mothers and their newborns. The scientists also advocate the use of drugs anti-love to end unhealthy relationships, for example, abusive relationships or sects.

The drugs loving face many problems.  L as ethical issues surrounding legalization difficult. While some scientists argue that use foverecerán human relations in the long term. Those opposed to chemical intervention in matters of love say a break with your partner, sometimes, helps you grow. And others still consider that love as something spiritual, a link between two souls , for example.

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