Saturday, August 6, 2016

Career transition at turning points

Career transition at turning points(my job consultant)
Set course for new professional goals - and achieve them too!

First step Strengthen ideal profession drive Realitäts-Check Action Point The 30-day requirement
Unhappy at work? The freelance work does not bring the desired performance? Everything could be more beautiful, more different? The ideal job is closer than you think. Set course for new professional goals - and achieve them too.
A first step that changed everything
10 years Lisa had come not a day 18 clock home. She neglected friends, dispensed with children. Then, the group division was discontinued. Market researcher Lisa was faced with ruin. No more she wanted to work in their old job. But what else could she do?
Alexander had opened a relocation agency two years ago. There were plenty of jobs, but the loneliness of the individual entrepreneur unnerved him. "That's not for me," he said friends. "But what are the alternatives to my current job?"
Lisa and Alexander are two of many examples that show how different can be the cause of the desire for a career change. Some urged the dismissal, forcing others lack orders to reorient itself. For many people the desire also comes to change but inside, fed by permanent, often growing discontent. What ever the reason, he sooner or later leads to the idea that it so simply can not go on(jobs in bay). And that what has been done, and done professionally, can not have been anything.
Many feel in just as the desire to do something "different", again to start over. This "other" is often hidden deep inside, spilled downright. You may have even convinced that you do not know what you actually want. Then you might say, "I do not really know what else I can do." Or maybe: "I do not know what my true strengths are!"
But hardly anyone quite so clueless. You only need to take a closer look - and to himself to leave without being influenced from the outside. There are several reasons why you have not yet done so:
You take your own needs is not it. Ask yourself: When you've had fun in working the last time? What type was it?
They listen to your needs, although true, but not seriously. Ask yourself: What's stopping you to accept that you very much like a particular activity?
You do not want to admit what you really want because you are uncomfortable or embarrassing themselves
(training and placement). Ask yourself: Why am I embarrassed?
They are insecure and doubt themselves.
You have so long done something that you no or not much fun that you might just have to try different activities to explore your personal "fun factor". Ask yourself: What can I do different, new, without giving up the day job that feeds my family now? Often your current job provides opportunities to expand the range of activities! Look out!
Her strengths
The solution always lies within yourself. Also tests for potential analysis never tickle totally surprising out of you. Finally, they are all based on your perception of yourself - you say the test who you are. This self-assessment is almost always indicated in the right direction.
Your initial question must therefore be: What do you like to do? Because: From what you like to do to your future professional activity can develop. You can be the engine that drives your new course and permanently gives him a direction.
From an activity that you like to do, creates a cycle:
What do you like, you do well.
For what you do well, you get positive feedback.
Because you get positive feedback, repeat the things you are good at.
They are getting better.
You will be asked in your job.
Conversely, what you hate most likely never be your talent
(training companies) (unless it is a love-hate relationship, but that's another topic).
If you go to look for your strengths, so ask yourself what you enjoy doing. Write them on a piece of paper with the heading "My strengths".
Your ideal profession
Your strengths lie in you. You discover in what you do like. If you like to work as a teacher, you are in this activity also good. And with any feedback you will probably be better. Just like any criticism serves to perfect your teaching.
Because strengths and happy to make are so close together, you allow yourself at this point sometimes daydreaming. For this you need to let go of what you set limits. It is not out about what is realistic and not what others expect of you. It's not about what permits the labor market or your spouse. It is only once all alone to you.
Allow yourself to this a wild dream job. Sit in front of a white sheet and write about it, "This is what my ideal profession". Think not long after, write off. If you sustain harder, develop a cluster, an idea sketch. In the middle is "My ideal job". Trappings paint ovals into your associations - terms or short thoughts - write. Do not censor yourself but write what comes to mind, even if it seems illogical and inappropriate. If you have enough "material" collected, go to writing.
Let the words flow out of your pen, do not obstruct each other(job board) by weighing or pondering:
What do you do in your ideal job?
Are you maker or an expert in something?
What activities do you practice?
What things you have to do?
Do employees?
In the environment you are?
What people?
Read the half a page or page through which you have written. Only a dream, you think? He must not remain.
Liberate the realistic core of his dream Case:
What activities do I do like? Where indicated my dream?
What things or people I like to do? What does my dream?
What made my dream could I take a new job? Brushing it on.
Most people do not celebrate the same as billionaire entrepreneur success - and, where it then but succeed, have done very likely nothing more than rock solid to believe in their dreams and to realize it as a matter of course.
(training and placement companies)The motor for your change
The absolute majority of people is anyway less the millions, as the joy of a particular activity, the employment of people or things in the forefront of the description of your ideal profession. This is an activity that they exercise like - and can be the engine of career change. So Ina wanted to realize their own ideas of interior design with fabrics. That was the motor to change - even if the realization of the idea required an activity which might Ina, about canvassing by phone. However, with a motor which is the drive, also falls that much easier.
Be which elements from your dream you want to transfer into reality on a second sheet of white. Develop it into a goal:
Ask yourself: What do you want to achieve in three years?
Which sub-goals are on the way in between?
But Do not plan to write in three years a bestseller, but stick to what seems feasible on its own and what you have enough own resources. Very important when reviewing how a goal is realistic, is estimating the non-controllable by you factors such as economic or legal situation.
Your personal situation plays a crucial role. If you find your happiness as the owner of a deli, you need money or a loan. Can you get that? Or you might have three more years to pursue a day job and save iron? How does your partner to change plans? And last but not least
(Myjobconsultant): What demands of the labor market? Is there a place for you?
Your Action Point
Big goals can turn people off. Big goals seem vague, elusive. They often seem so remote and inaccessible that you dare not even to take the first step.
Much easier it is with a "Action Point", an action that sets the further process of change. This may be a first telephone conversation with a potential client be, the call with one professional association, the transition to a corporate consultant ... DC for which Action Points you decide on, it may be only a small step, a slight kick. How the Dominoes, the tap with your fingers everything else starts to move.
The 30-day requirement
The next step is a bit larger: It covers the next 30 days. What you want to do in these 30 days to get your new career goal closer? What are the consequences of the actions Action Point? First define a milestone: What should be achieved after one month? And you need to do in detail in order to achieve the monthly target. Example:
The designer Ina would have agreed three appointments with potential new customers. To achieve this, you must start at least two calls for 30 days every day(job events).
The IT expert Peter would have found out if it can work well in sales. His first milestone is to find a company where he can test his marketability and hospitieren least three days.

Meet every month new 30-day commitments with yourself. You will notice as you get closer to your goal step by step. Whilst remaining flexible enough to respond to changes and make course corrections. Even your long-term goal is coming closer by the 30-day obligations.

If you not been able to accurately define your career aspirations, it will crystallize with every action more explicit. Should not really know what exactly you're headed you: Each month you get the unknown destination closer - and sooner or later you no longer see only outlines, but have it clearly in mind.
Lisa has written only once after her sacking a book. That was her ActionPoint she needed to come to terms with themselves and to realize that the old job was right but - but this is not everything could be in life. She
(companies rank)needed a balance, more personal freedom that you found among others in the letter. Meanwhile she works again as a market researcher, in a small agency.

Alexander has wanted a steady job and is now working in an international event agency as a project manager. His Action Point was to speak with a colleague from the events industry.

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