Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Cleaning and mainte at the Park Casino Queen and colindantes streets

For some time, various residents of Lavapies and surrounding we noticed the state of  neglect and filth  of the less busy streets of Barrio de Lavapies and, especially, the  Park Casino Queen.  Especially, we denounce the abundance of syringes, trash, rundown urban furniture and even bicycles BiciMad abandoned or in poor condition (some of us have relocated bicycles in their charging stations or reported the incident to prevent theft or vandalism), which are left runs as if it were a dump.(casinos online)

Many of the residents and users we have seen the need and the habit of having to collect different waste: bottles, cigarette butts, syringes, etc. Which poses a danger to ourselves, children and animals moving through the area.

Since the municipal and municipal services we are informed that supposedly every day an operator moves the park and the surrounding to remove dirt and keep it clean, but the evidence we refer,  is not it. Only cleaning is done on Saturdays,  when a machine operator  from another private cleaning company  (not the one with the tender weekdays and according to the municipal authorities went there to remove dirt) tries to maintain the greatest possible care when removing The dirt. It does, as far as possible but one person a week can not remove the dirt from 6 days prior to which, we demand

-  The ordinance cleaning and maintenance is met, it is good to recognize the carelessness of the neighborhood and the lack of interest in the area adecentar(casino games)

-  Do not say that we are neighbors and park users who get dirty because we use the bins but when full, obviously no where to remove dirt.

-  That really green area is considered: Improving irrigation intakes (there are muddy areas and dry areas), clean up the grass, dry trees and shrubs, etc. (casino games)

-  The same treatment as in other nearby neighborhoods and green areas of Paseo del Olmo or in the nearby Argumosa Street.
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