Thursday, November 26, 2015

SEO: Find the right keywords for your site or blog with Keyword Eye

How to find the right keywords that will bring me up visits? Trust his intuition is not always paid. To find the most relevant keywords for your article or web page, use Keyword Eye. Today I will review with you the free version of this application of SEO or SEO.(Long Tail Pro Discount)

Find relevant keywords to Articles blog or website can be a real headache. Fortunately, some tools can help us find the most searched keywords on the Internet. Since Google has replaced its generator of keywords by a complicated tool, reserved exclusively for Google Ads subscribers, we must seek alternatives.(long tail platinum discount)

Personally, I use Keyword Eye and I am satisfied. Today I will tell you that the free version. I will develop other options, Pay, in a future article or several articles for Keyword Eye Pro contains nuggets that are well worth some attention ...

Then sign up for the Basic version, it's free.

Start the search keywords

To start looking for relevant keywords, click New, top left of your screen (where I placed a red arrow).
New menu to search suggestions
Open Search Keyword
Click Keyword Suggestion (in the free version, it is the only option available).
A dialog window (menu) appears at the center of the screen. Enter the keyword you are looking for in the field Keyword at the top of this menu:
Menu new research report in the free version of Keyword Eye
The search menu
Here I entered the keyword "job", for which I am looking for suggestions.
Then I select the search engine with the tab, in front of Search Engine. FR I select Google search suggestions as I in French. (long tail pro platinum discount)
Select to do your research in French
Search engine selection
The next field, Order by the cloud, allows me to order the results of my research several criteria.
Select the ranking keywords
Select the order of your results
As my interest in this research, it is the number of monthly searches, I will choose Search Volume Desc,that is to say the volume of monthly searches in descending order. I have the most searched keywords in the header list.
And then in Number of results, I choose the option that mrappo'affichera 100 100 keywords.

Interpret the report

When everything is selected, I click Run report.
Keyword Eye will show me a new general tab "Employment Google FR" which in turn contains three additional tabs: Keywords, Visualizations and Grid View.
The first, Keywords, shows me a keyword cloud. The search words are larger, least desirable appear smaller.
Display keywords as a tag cloud
Tag cloud
Words in green are those for which the competition on Google Ads (paid ads from Google) is the lowest, medium orange ones and those requested in red, those for which the competition is fierce.

Visualization: two different visions keywords

I click on the second tab, Visualizations, and Keyword Eye shows me a pie chart on the left and a matrix with two axes at right.
The pie chart shows the volume of searches. The red portion is the word job center. It is he who takes it and hands down. In the right graph, the most words in height are the most sought. While more one goes to the right, the greater the competition is harsh on those words.
Job center is located on the left - very weak competition - and over 10 million of research, that is to say, it is searched more than 10 million times per month.
visualization of search volume and competition
Keyword visualization in Eye
The third tab, Grid View, will give me a list of keywords sorted by volume down searches because that's what I asked.
List of keywords Keyword Eye Basic suggestions
The list of keywords
Pôle Emploi leads with 11.1 million searches per month. And competition for online advertising (PPC - Pay per Click) is low. If I put that word in my article on employment, I am certain to attract visits to my blog.
ANPE, the former name of Pôle Emploi, always attracts 1.5 million visits, there is certainly a way to place it in my article. APEC generates 1 million visits. Etc.
The only word employment generates 90,500 visits, that is to say much less ... To me to reflect and combine this word mean value with best performing keywords to increase my chances of beings read.

Select and build its base of keywords

Two other tabs and buttons are interesting for me this page Keyword Eye:
the button Add and the tab Selected Keywords.
By clicking on the red button Add, I can add the keyword selected in the list Selected Keywords.
So I click on Employment Pole and then I press the Add button.
I do the same thing for ANPE. Then I click on the tab Selected Keywords.
Keyword list selected Keyword Eye
Selecting keywords
I now have two keywords stored in my selection. I keep looking for suggestions on other interesting keywords for my article or my web page.(schlüsseldienst gladbeck)
When my selection is made, I can click on the green button Download. This download me a page in CSV format that I can then open the spreadsheet in Excel or Google Drive.
I am thus constitutes a database of keywords that I can use on my website. (telescopes)
The Pro version of Keyword Eye enables more complex operations which I will soon.
Meanwhile, good job ;-)    (metal detectors)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Already we saw above as the wood is a very cheap fuel , for those that have place to store it, and for those who live in areas where trimmings abound. We also saw some factors affecting its performance. This time we will see how this applies in stoves and fireplaces or wood pellets . (καυσοξυλα)
open fireplace design


Both are composed of two parts: the home , where combustion takes place andthe chimney , through which the combustion products are discharged.Chimneys have a construction element, usually with refractories, while uncoated stoves are used, with the evacuation tube normally sight. (ξυλα για τζακι)
The stoves are made ​​of metal, steel or cast iron closed, and heat supplied in the same room in which they are placed .
The home fireplaces can be a simple hole with refractory material or carry a metal box with ventilation and pick-ash, also called cassette or insert. The cabinet may be open or closed. The evacuation tube is well hidden in a hood, either in a recessed wall, and can be used to distribute heat to other rooms discreetly.
Insert modern wardrobe


Despite the charm of an open fireplace, where we can see the logs burn without any visual impairment, the performance is very poor . This is because the chimney draft is excessive: too cold air enters the combustion gases are discharged so quickly that not enough time to exchange heat with the room. In the best one is obtained in 20% yield .(καυσοξυλα)

It's very little, but hey! the wood is very cheap. The other day we calculated a price of 2 cents per kWh, and not even a good price, as some Nergizos's getting cheaper. Even with a yield of 20%, the final price only goes up to 10 cents per kWh, which is still cheaper than other sources. If we can think of using the open fireplace to burn pellets, then it would not be economical, since the fuel is 5 cents / kWh because of poor performance and the price would go up to 25 cents / kWh.
open hearth
A medium fireplace burning wood holds a power of 14 kW, but poor performance, roughly equivalent to a 2.800W heater. Build a fire like this at home can cost around 700 euros, including the cabinet.  (ξυλα για τζακι)


With something as simple as controlling the amount of air entering the combustion chamber A it is achieved dramatic performance increase , which easily reaches 60% . To stay longer hot gases within the chamber is achieved higher temperature, which contributes to better combustion, and allows time for heat is exchanged in the room. In the usual modern designs achieve a yield of 70%.
Aesthetically from the fire, you only see through a glass soot usually stained, or the door is metallic and directly see nothing is lost. In newer models, a secondary air inlet is used to avoid soot on the glass and give it some charm.
Glassless retro stove
The price of the stoves depends greatly on the design because there are avant-garde and retro aesthetic, functional well. But as we are concerned over the energy cost savings, we consult prices more functional, and saw a stove without glass style umbrella stand with 8 kW peak power and 75% yield (effective power 6kW) leaves 430 € that the installation will be about 700-800 €. With this performance, the cost of burning wood here is of 2.70 cents per kWh. If we use pellets or briquettes instead of firewood in the stove, a competitive price of 6.70 cents per kWh it is still achieved, although some wasting the advantages of pellets, as we shall see.
An insert to put in a fireplace that we already had, it costs about 600 €, with glass door, 14 kW and 75% yield (10.50 kW of real power), adding that the price of the chimney at 1.300 €. It is more expensive, but we must also take into account the increased power required if it is very cold.